41st Bigfoot Jamboree Wild West Fun!
By Judy Bushy
What a wonderful time the Bigfoot Jamboree brings to Happy Camp. The 41st annual Bigfoot Jamboree is now a happy memory. There were so many friends and family and neighbors from near and far who came back to the Klamath River town for the big event of the year. The food was great. The music was full of variety. The games were fun. But best of all was seeing friends and neighbors that we hadn’t seen in awhile.
Kenny and Donna McCully were the Grand Marshalls and rode in the parade in a delightful surrey with fringe on the top drawn by a black beaury named Colt and driven by Ike’s wife, Erica.
Savannah Britton was crowned queen of the Bigfoot Jamboree by Alicia Derry, 2005 queen. Luise Bryant was the flower carrier and Matilda Peters carried the crown on the red velvet pillow. Samantha O’Reilly and Leeann Timbrook were princesses. Samantha was escorted by Donald O’Reilly and Leann by Kyle Eastlick. Queen Savannah was escorted by Phil Tripp. Alan Dyar was the emcee of the program. The music for the dance was provided by Justin of the “Sounds ”
Grand Prize for the parade entries went to the float by Double J and ABC Logging In the Commercial and Business Division first place was Parry’s Market, 2nd was McCulley Logging and 3rd was Happy Camp Disposal. For organizations, first place was Davis Dancers doing a Karuk Dance, 2nd place was Cub Scouts Pack #52 and 3rd place was Sheriff’s “Dare Car” driven by Deputy Nye. The other category is for individuals. The first place for individuals was to the Driskell family. The family walked together in the parade as a Memorial to “Little Miss Tuff”, a horse who became well loved by the family and who they will miss. The horse in the parade was “I’m Super Tuff One”. Kate Lyn, Rachelle, Chris, Sabrina, Glenice, Jimmy, Paul and Charlene will all miss Tuffy. 2nd place was Sunny and Angel Tello on motorcycles and 3rd place was Bigfoot for which Mike picked up the award since Bigfoot has escaped his cage and taken off to the wilds again. Seems to happen every Bigfoot Jamboree.
Thanks so much to the Happy Camp Coordinating Council for the wonderful Bigfoot Jamboree!
Just wondering if your going to be posting any pictures, I would love to see some.
My family and I enjoyed the Bigfoot Jamboree in years past. However, now our local school district has moved the start date of the school year to a week before Labor Day, and we can no longer attend. I don’t know when the Happy Camp School District begins its year, but if it falls a week earlier than before, one might consider moving the Jamboree date up as well.
Hey all, Walla Walla isn’t bad, but I do miss being at home despite the changes. Linda, an idea came across my mind, can/will you publish any obituaries and/or births in the on line edition of the newspaper. Another thing, with all the conterversy surrounding native american names, are there any plans to change the mascots of the schools?. David Brown, dave62391@aol.com
Hi David,
The High School “Indians” has been discussed but vast majority of the students at that time felt the Native American population especially wanted to keep it. No doubt it will be discussed further in the future. The Putawans of the Elementary School has more conflict, and concern that the children will act like little Putawans.
How about posting pics of past Bigfoot Jamborees? I’ll bet there are some great ones from years ago, if you could get people to send them in. I lived in HC for 7 years (1965-1971) and miss the Bigfoot Jamborees. I even have some pics if there is a way to get them to you. Thanks!
Dear Bill, would love to see your photos, if you could loan them to us!! We have a bunch of Bigfoot Jamboree Photos on http://www.bigfootjamboree.com and want to do more for this, our 50th Bigfoot Jamboree. September 2-4, 2-16. Are you close enough to have us scan some photos?? We make trips to Crescent City, Medford, Grants Pass, Redding, Chico and Sacramento for medical appointments. Thanks! Judy
Please put me on mailing list.
I grew up in Happy Camp in the 60’s and my dad was the music teacher at HC High and HC Elementary.
~Stan Tristan
What a big fun time it is!