Juvenile Justice Results at Community Solutions Meeting

Nadine McElyea, who is the Mental Health Services Act worker with the Family Resource Center , introduced Captain Betts from the Sheriff’s Department. Betts said with losing funds and resources, meetings like this are important to open lines of communication and see how we can partner up to achieve goals. He did want to emphasize that the deputies will not be leaving the area, as that had been the concern of a previous meeting.

Captain Betts introduced John Gaustad who is a Deputy Probation officer and Truancy officer for Siskiyou County . Gaustad explained and answered questions about the juvenile justice system in Siskiyou County . He is one of three juvenile probation officers in Siskiyou county working with about 15 to 20 youths in Happy Camp area. There is another juvenile probation officer doing South County with 20 to 30 juveniles under supervision and a third officer with another 20 to 30 juveniles. So,from the juvenile probation load of 55 to 80 youths, Happy Camps juveniles from the Klamath River Corridor might amount to 25-27% of the youths under supervision in the areas covered by Siskiyou County juvenile officers..

Officer Gaustad mentioned that they rarely get kids who are active in sports programs and other activities who don’t have time to get into mischief. There were suggestions for the youth sports programs, scouting, and hobby groups like model airplane hobbyists can help kids find things to do. His statement of there being no excuse for “nothing to do” was echoed by Nadine and other parents whose kids grew up hunting, fishing, rafting and hiking as well as other activities in Happy Camp. We used to have an award winning music program in Happy Camp and many of the kids would like to learn music again.

Alan Dyar, principal of Happy Camp High School , had opened the gym (and the weight room) to about thirty students that evening. He reminded those assembled that 95% of the youth in our community don’t start trouble, and do what asked. We need to reward those kids who make it worthwhile. We want the kids to go out, get an education and come back to make the community better.

Dyar also mentioned the schools have gym mats, so that the Deputy who volunteered to coach wrestling.could have a program. What is holding up wrestling is having a couple of assistant coaches to help out, especially if the Deputy is called out. Someone mentioned college scholarships are readily available for a girl who goes into wrestling!

Other concerns expressed were about adults giving drugs and alcohols to minors. Call Narcotics Task Force out of Yreka at 842-6116 with information to report on such activities. Citizen watch program (involving a phone tree) if there were volunteers, could take place of the Neighborhood Watch that disbanded a few years ago. Todd Drake mentioned the deputies suggested additional lighting would help after his break-in. There was interest in having a light at the top of High School Trail on Head and Reeves. Cleaning up trash for people to feel more self respect was discussed.. Pat, who was code enforcement officer, lost her job in July. Adopting a dysfunctional family was a possible idea. Other items discussed were curfew, and identification of house numbers.

Tom Mopas also suggested that everyone have their address prominently displayed on their home in case the fire, ambulance or sheriff needs to locate your place. He suggested calling Glenn Briggs of Seiad Fire Safe Council about signs with house numbers. Next meeting will be March 10th at the Log Memorial for Community Solutions. Potluck will begin at 5:30 with meeting to follow about 6 PM.

Chamber of Commerce Announces Annual Meeting

The Happy Camp Chamber of Commerce announced that the annual membership meeting will be held March 4th at 7 PM. The meeting will be at the Grange Hall/ 64501 Second Avenue, Happy Camp. the time when board members will be elected to begin servnhing for the coming yera. Nominations are open until election time.

The Board members: Chris Sorenson Roberta Collum, Montine Blevins, Rita Manley, Karen Tulledo and Linda Zink sent out the announcement, with application for membership. Dues are still $52 annually from April 1 to March 31 year. Those who wish to be on the Chamber Web site, www.happycampchamber.com may fill out the membership form and pay dues at the March 4th meeting. You do not need to be a business owner to join or participate.

The Chamber sponsored River Run last summer made $1,927 to the Chamber and $2,815 to the Happy Camp Community Services District for park improvements. Cheryl Wainwright and John and Donna Gould continue to provide the leadership for this annual event for the Chamber.

The Chamber has obtained new business space, business insurance, a compuer and a part time employee through the STEP program.

For the coming year the Board plans to expand their reach to more businesses from Klamath River to Somes Bar, inscrease advertrising and sinage, improve Webpages and do radio ads. They also plan to reach out to large businesses who used to be members such as Pacific Power, Amerigas, etc.

Creating a Vision for the Future

Over 100 Happy Camp citizens met at the Family Resource Center on July 24, 2001 to discuss the future of our town. Sponsored by the Karuk Community Development Corporation (KCDC), the meeting was led by Scott Clements of Clements Partners, LLC, a consulting firm from Portland, Oregon that facilitates financial projects and negotiations for Native American and public-private ventures.

The focus of the town meeting was to design a plan for sustainable economic development in the Happy Camp area. We were asked to imagine our town as we would like to see it in ten or twenty years, and focus on projects to create a new prosperity here. KDCD has recently received an economic development grant and wanted community discussion on ways to put the funding to good use.

Assisting Mr. Clements were his wife, Myrna Clements, who works with him doing grant writing and securing funding, and Sharon Neilsen of Neilsen’s Group of Portland, who helps with housing and human service projects.

Mr. Clements explained the process of goal setting, deciding on priorities, and creating a plan of implementation. After his introductory talk and a brief question and answer session, the crowd broke up into groups to discuss various aspects of economic development such as health care, recreation, retail and special events. Local teenagers created their own group to make suggestions for improving facilities for youth.

After working in groups for about half an hour, the meeting was reconvened so group representatives could present their group’s list of suggestions.

At the close of the meeting we had an outstanding community dinner. The food here keeps getting better and better!