Celebrating Love, that Many Splendored thing!!

That many Splendored thing…Love!!

Tuesday was a busy, very busy day. .River Readers Book club members are reading a book where those who have traveled in the Middle East share insights in that culture. Land of Permanent Goodbyes is about a Syrian family, and up to date as the newspaper!! We should finish the first ten chapters now and another five next week. Everyone is welcome to read the book along with us and discuss it on Tuesday’s at 11:00 at Marble Mountain Gift Co. I’m so grateful Faye started out adventures in books that we share! It’s great to have knowledgeable travelers to share insights on Middle Eastern life!
While I’d hoped to go to Happy Camp High School and meet the gentleman that was to present to the students a program on bullying, my scheduling was off and I missed it. Bullying has become a more prevalent concern for so many recently. Not that it isn’t always a concern of parents that their young people be treated fairly by their peers, but there seems to pop up an attitude that allows some to mistreat others. This is not a good attitude to get along with others when students get out into the big wide world, which needs so much love in these difficult days. Of course, the opposite of the bully is the loving-kindness of caring people around us.
It never hurts to be reminded. How we treat each other is so important in loving together in community wherever we are or wherever we go
Sharing with those from Paradise Fire for a Valentine’s Dinner
Our friend, Doug Crowder and his wife Debra have cooked a Valentine Dinner for people in their fellowship every Valentine’s Day since they moved to Paradise. This year their wildfire Recovery Center serving neighbors and workers, they’re feeding hundreds of people; so they’ll go somewhere that someone else will be cooking. Isn’t it great to know that people are there helping those who have gone through wildfire, loss of homes and some a family member, friend or neighbor. After the spotlight of publicity is over, things “settle down” that’s when loving-kindness of those who keep giving means so much!
Valentine’s Day isn’t just a romantic holiday! School kids should show loving-kindness, not bullying to their classmates. We need to be aware of needs even if they are far of Syrian needs, and it certainly makes us grateful to live in America where we can share with those less fortunate. There are so many strangers we meet on our travels and we need to be ready to Good Samaritan. Homeless in Yreka amazed me, but more so the way people shared with a gentleman that was sort of stranded there after a trip to the emergency room.
Like the word Royal Blue shared from Helen Steiner Rice this morning,
Where there is love the heart is light. Where there is love the day is bright.
Where there is love there is a song, to help when things are going wrong.
Where there is love there is a smile to make all things seem worthwhile,
a tranquil place where turmoil’s cease!
Love changes darkness into light and makes the heart like wingless flight.
Oh blest are they who walk in love! They also walk with God above.
When you walk with God each day and kneel together when you pray,
your marriage will be truly blest and God will be your daily guest
and love that once seemed yours along, God greatly blesses unto His own.
Have a Happy Valentine’s Day and share some true love. That’s the community care and concern Happy Camp is known for!

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