Holiday Dinner at the Elementary!


by Judy Bushy Dec 29, 2015
Cody Sindle and Iris decorated the Elementary School Multipurpose Room,, and Amber, Iris, and John from the Anglers/Klamath River Resort served up delicious turkey, ham, stuffing, potatoes, rolls, sweet potatoes and veggies! It was all delicious! If one had any space left after that great meal, there were pies and cookies and desserts of numerous flavors to top off the meal.

Nadine McElyea, Executive Director of the Happy Camp Family Resource Center, has also been busy and had the help of many busy volunteers. There was a story time from Mrs. Claus and many other activities in the past weeks.The Happy Camp Family Resource Center extended a heartfelt thanks to everyone who has made donations toward the Holiday Dinners and to the Giving Tree. The Giving Tree has served almost 100 children this year! We have a wonderful community which has been very generous and helped ensure that kids have a good Christmas. They’ve also had some wonderful cash donations toward that project and food for our dinners.

Only a very few days are left until the old year, 2015, with all its problems and what some say is the darkest year, more than any other recent year. There is certainly no doubt that this old world has seen a great deal of troubles,sorrows, war, beheading Christians! You’d think we’d have improved our actions in over two thousand years since Christmas began. Even at home the lack of respect for human life seems to have been the major issue, although it reared its ugly head in many different aspects, from tiny babies, to gunning down other people, and all sorts of ways to end life. I haven’t heard as of yet whether there will be New Year’s Eve Prayer to see in the new year, in a more hopeful direction. But I’m sure that is on the minds and intentions of many, and would be a good use of the time next weekend.

With the New Year, other than the election news, the other most talked about topic seems to be New Year’s Resolutions! The most common resolutions are to lose weight (probably inspired by the Thanksgiving Dinner and cookies from recent celebrations) and stop smoking or drinking. or cut down. Some make resolutions to learn something new, get out of debt, get organized or just to volunteer or to do something which will help others. Others are to get regular exercise which is an immense help to good health!

If your resolution is to get regular exercise to be healthier, you will soon have a wonderful opportunity. The Mini Acorn Grant that has been received is intended to make an Obstacle Course at the River Park. What a fun way to get exercise! There will be a track and many ways for the students at the nearby Elementary School as well as the High School Track and other sporting students out there for a run or other forms of exercise. Eventually there are plans for volleyball and other fun active games!

At this time, what first needs to be done is to clear the brush and berry-vines so that the topography of the space can be seen and a plan can be drafted for further development. In order to do this, there will be a competition. Each team will have a “big boy toy” of their choice to clear the brush, and a team of workers to pile and do the handwork as well. There are safety guidelines as it is important that this be done safely, and to keep it fun! The first tentative work day for the teams was planned for Saturday unless postponed due to the torrents of rain coming, so you need to get your team together right away and get ready to conquer the jungle down there. Debbie gave me a packet of information on the coming construction clearing and you can get forms for your team to sign up from her, Debbie Bickford at 6433786 or Jamie Smith 605-5288.. ‘

You can fulfill lots of resolutions, help out and volunteer to help make the Obstacle Course ready for YOUR fitness program. What fun it will be to have a wonderful place all ready to do all sorts of things to improve fitness and get in shape right at the River Park!!

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