“Court of Honor” held by Troop 52 Boy Scouts
Troop 52 will present various merit badges and advances in rank to the boys at Assembly of God Church in the Meadows in Happy Camp.
See photos and details on Children’s and Youth Page……
Online News for the Klamath River Valley
Troop 52 will present various merit badges and advances in rank to the boys at Assembly of God Church in the Meadows in Happy Camp.
See photos and details on Children’s and Youth Page……
For 30+ years we have offered a canoeing program especially designed for Scouts. We invite you to visit our site to learn more about our program.
For the past three years we have joined Keith Gale, Course Director for the Mount Diablo Silverado Council, on the American River, offering an annual Scout leader canoeing boot camp. The program is designed to provide the Scout Leaders an opportunity to learn about the awesome sport of canoeing, and excited about getting their scouts involved in canoeing, too. Helping Keith with this great program has inspired us to try and start a program for Scout Councils in Northern California and Southern Oregon. If you are interested in helping us develop such a program, please contact us canoewest[at]snowcrest.net . We are willing to provide all the equipment and staff. let’s tALK ABOUT THIS!!
We would also like to have the opportunity to make a presentation at one of your regular Girl Scout Troop meetings.
We have a 45 minute presentation to bring and it gives everyone a chance to meet us in person and ask any questions that they might have about our program.
Happy Holidays
Keep Paddling,