Franklin Graham’s Decision America Blessings!

Franklin Graham Northwest Tour on stage in Medford (Central Point)

by Judy Bushy
Last Wednesday we were able to go to the Bi-mart Amphitheater in Central Point to hear Franklin Graham in his Northwest Tour.

We were among about 8, 750 people of all ages in the gathering. A grandmotherly lady invited us up to two seats near the front. We were sitting next to a young lady who was so excited to deliver an envelope to Jeremy Camp whose music was a hit with the younger set.

Franklin Graham, like his father, Billy Graham, declines to be involved with any political party, but encouraged those in attendance to pray for their mayor and those in Salem and Washington. I’m sure he didn’t mind our also praying for Ray Haupt. He emphasized the country’s political divide is a problem beyond mere mortals and needs prayer as only God can fix it!

Franklin emphasized, “We are so divided, I believe that if the churches would pray, then God would heal our land,but it’s going to take God to do that.”He also mentioned the wildfires in Oregon and northern California, and the “all-hands on deck” mentality fighting them, as an example of how our country can work together to bridge the political divisions separating us. Wildfire burns homes without political or other prejudice, but people come together to help in times of crisis.

“That’s what we need in this country! We need to come together to build this nation and to help this nation. If President Trump succeeds, we all succeed. If the next president comes down the road and does a good job, we all benefit.”

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