FUN at Kids Fair at the River Park!
Saturday was a perfectly fantastic day in Happy Camp for the 11th Annual Kids Fair. The River Park, as always, was a beautiful venue for the event. If you got a little hot, there was plenty of water to splash down the waterslide to cool you down in a jiff!!
Tables were set up in the shade on the lawn for art and craft projects; wooden boxes or picture frames to decorate, butterflies to paint, and beads and trinkets to make fabulous works of art. This was compliments of the Siskiyou Arts Bus Project and the kids loved it!
Coloring Contest was won by Ashley Aubrey, Sarah Harrison, Beatrice Edwards, and Maranda Rasmussen. Dancers, my how these kids moved, made it difficult to decide upon winners. Prizes were presented to Justice (football), Chaance Rasmussen (high power squirtgun) and Sarah Harrison (ball and bat.) Caitlyn doing some really good dancing and “jump, to get the wiggle out!” so all the kids used up great amounts of energy!
Amber Curtis was putting alphabet and glimmering beads on a wooden box for decoration to show the kids like Madeline Davis who wre creating beautiful projects!
Annie Kramer, of Heal Therapy, sang the most cheerful and appropriate songs during the activities. It was such a pleasure to meet Annie, and her music was the perfect backdrop to all the action. Her music was enjoyed by the adults as well as the kids, especially “Puff the Magic Dragon!” They even sang a special song to Smokey Bear…and guess who showed up for his picture!
If you got hungry, Cliff Stockton was at the grill preparing hot dogs, while Carol Sharp dished up cups of fruit. There was also a nutritional display with Michele Harris combining fresh strawberries and peaches and other delicious ingredients blended together.
Vickie Waddell had little tooth holders for the first lost tooth as well as toothbrushes and other products to keep the children in good dental health. Vickie represented the Karuk Dental Clinic. Children who wished to sit still long enough could have a tattoo painted on an arm. Adults were usually the ones sitting in the shade.
Forest Service staff had some games going, a relay with a fire hose to get these future firefighters trained. They were awarding ice cream cones!! Kyle Stockton managed the bean bag game and awarded prizes to the best throwers of beanbags into Bigfoot’s wide open mouth. Craig Reece had another game going for the kids, but they soon became too warm for the playground equipment and regular games and headed for the water slide!
All in all, the 11th annual Kids Fair was fun for the kids, their families and those of us who enjoy seeing kid’s smiles! Thank you to the Family Resource Center, Karen, Nadine and Alicia and Rachel and all of the other volunteers who were such great troopers and made a fun day for all!