Government to Government Coordination on the River
Wednesday evening was also a Happy Camp Coordinating Committee of Government to Government meeting. The panel there was from the Forest Service, Community Services District, Fire District and Happy Camp Elementary School as well as Buster Attebery from the Karuk Tribe.
The importance of getting input during comment opportunities about proposed Forest Service projects was emphasized. Buster Attebery, Tribal Chairman, shared that the 2010 Ordinance makes consultation with the Tribe not only desirable, but they “must” consult with the Tribe.
Several projects and possible shut downs of local sales were discussed and will be further researched. It was appreciated how tribal ecological knowledge and that of other local long time residents would be invaluable to the successful efforts to improve the forests for the vegetation, wildlife habitat, jobs and fire safety. The heavy load of forest fuels for coming fires in the dry summer seemed to be a universal a concern of all those participating.
Several questions were also asked about Siskiyou County Roads work from Bill Lahue. He mentioned that not being able to afford update equipment, and the price of materials like asphalt continue to rise. We may take the Road Department for granted, but it would be quite serious if we had no one to plow the roads when we have a serious snow incident such as we did at the end of December last year!
Tentative date for the next Coordination Meeting is June 25th at 6:30 at the Grange.