Grand Day for Graduation at Happy Camp High!
We had a wonderful graduation for the students who have finished their academic careers at Happy Camp High School Saturday morning. Happy Camp more traditionally suffers a very hot crowded auditorium on Friday night for graduation but it was a beautiful day, and it felt very appropriate to have the sun shining on the graduates of Happy Camp High School! It was grat. Thank you, all who came downriver for the graduation! We know you had a beautiful drive!
Carl Blossomgame is planning for work for the U.S. Forest service until he begins studying at College of the Siskiyous. My camera battery ran out before I got to hear his Senior Project report Thursday evening, but I’m hoping for a picture soon.
Valedictorian, Walter Brassea, plans to study Computer Science at University of California, Riverside. Davis. Walter started out the presentations on Senior Project night and did a great job.
Luther”luke” Coplen plans to study physics at the University of California Lukes Senior Project was on woodworking and he made a beautiful little desk in wood shop with the help of Dave Timbrook.

Kevin Graham plans to study Architecture after junior college at College of the Siskiyous but had a medical emergency that prevented him from being present at the ceremony. Kevin worked with am architect for his Senior Project and made columns with decorations that were appropriate for column design.
Shawn Hillman plans to study Computer Science at College of the Siskiyou.
Mitchell “Mitch” Hokanson plans to study engineering at College of the Siskiyous.
Jeffrey Kanawyer , who we remember best as a Cub Scout building bird houses years ago, plans to study business administration at College of the Siskiyous.
Connor Mitchell plans to go to College of the Siskiyous to study Administration of Justice.
The only girl in the class,
Peyton Veach will go to College of the Siskiyous to study liberal arts.
Sydney Snider plans to study fine arts at California College of eh Arts. Jessie Valenzuela, Jr. who had a great senior project providing care packages for troops, plans to study business administration at College of the Siskiyous.