H.C.H.S. Awards Given at Friday’s Assembly!
There were two students presented awards for the Student of the First Semester of the 2012=2013 School Year: This is how they were presented:
The first student of the first semester of the 2012-2013 School year is a young lady who shows all the qualities deserving such an award. She has great grades and participates in Student Council She does a lot of fundraising. She takes on new roles all the time, She plays sports, She is talented in the arts.. She is good at whatever she sets her mind to!
Most of all she is respectful to everyone and can talk about anyting in a kind and mature nature.
She is trustworthy, very responsible and she can take other people’s point of view.
She is a very caring young lady and in our book, shows great citizenship. She has shown this since she came to our school and does not just do this during the sports season or for one month, but always.
She will go far and has very big goals for herself after high school. I am looking forward to watching her career after high school.
Ladies and Gentlemen, our first student of the semester of the 2012-13 year is Cassidy Little,
Presenting the second student of First Semester of the 2012-2013 School Year:
Our second student of the first semester is known by everyone in the school for his academic excellence, his brilliance in sports, and his distinction in student government.
I have watched this student develop from a determined child at Seiad Valley Elementary into a purposeful adult at Happy Camp High School.
Of all his many accomplishments, there are two that, I think set him apart from most students. The first is the level of expectation he sets for himself.