Happy Homecoming at Happy Camp High
It was Basketball Homecoming at Happy Camp High on February 7, 2015. Monday the students dressed in Pajamas, Tuesday as Twins, Wednesday showed how popular Camo attire is in Happy Camp!! Thursday was Toga Day and Friday climaxed the week with Blue and Gold team colors.
It really surprised me that the competing team made it to Happy Camp with high water! Debris is coming down from burn areas with all this rain and blocking culverts. Between rising waters and mudslides, caution was needed driving!
Ms. Jess Haun beautifully welcomed everyone and introduced Silas Yamamoto and Angelika Garrison to introduce the Homecoming Court. James Simmons returned from college and, with Brittani West, presented the King and Queen.
Freshman Princess and Homecoming Queen, Sierra Campbell, was going to be escorted by her adorable nephew, Roy Wilson, but Autumn Allgar stepped in to be her escort like a good friend. She is an active volleyball and softball player and enjoys killing zombies and drawing. The word that best describes her is spirited and she is good at making people laugh. If she could change Happy Camp High it would be a shorter day and photography added to the curriculum. She plans to attend college after high school and if she won a $100 million lottery she would move to Japan.
Freshman Devon Tygart was escorted by his good friend Beatrice Edwards. He is a football player and enjoys video games, shooting and riding as well as chess. His best character trait is patience. If he could change one thing about Happy Camp High it would be longer lunches and a first aid class in the curriculum,. If he could add a business to Happy Camp it would be a hospital. He is most inspired by his grandfather because he has battled cancer for years. If he won $100 million lottery he would donate the money to cancer patients and research.
The Sophomore princess was Wren Crapser escorted by Dich-Quo Moon because he is cool and they have things in common. She is active in Student Council, plays guitar, goes fishing, and enjoys playing X-box and hanging with friends. One word that best describes her is “bombdiggity” and she has a wonderful sense of humor. She would get new textbooks at Happy Camp High and see a music class added. If Wren could open a new business in Happy Camp it would be a glass shop. If she won $100 million in the lottery she would put her siblings through college and invest. She is also making a beautiful project in Shop Class and is a very good worker.
Sophomore Prince Steven Valenzuela was escorted by freshman Phoenix Stoner because she’s his friend. In Steven’s free time he likes to play the guitar. He participates in football, but soccer has always been his favorite sport. One word to describe Steven is “fabulous” and he is very loyal. Steven would add more sports every season at Happy Camp High so people can get involved and try something new. He would like to see Agriculture added to the curriculum. After high school Steve wants to go to college with friends. He is inspired by his mother because she is a lot like him. If he could open a new business in Happy Camp it would be a Five Guys. If Steven won $100 million lottery he would share the money between friends and family and save the remainder.
Junior Princess Rain Rodriquez was escorted by Brittany Barnett Her hobbies are kickboxing, basketball and taking “selfies”. She plays Basketball and enjoys kick boxing and MMA in her free time. A word that best describes Rain is “cute” and she has good humor. She’d like to start school at noon so students could learn better and add Drama to the curriculum. After she graduates she wants to go to Berkeley and study Zoology and move to Australia. She’d like to have a hospital in Happy Camp. If she won $100 million lottery she would donate it to rescue animals.
Junior Prince Connor Mitchell was escorted by Annalee Head, his beautiful girlfriend. He is active in basketball, football and baseball as well as Athlete Committee and Associated Student Body. One word that best describes him is “out going”. He is ambitious to accomplish what he sets his mind to do, so it always gets done. He’d like adding Business Class to Happy Camp High, they used to have a Business Club years ago. . If he won $100 million lottery he would buy one hundred-thousand acres of land to build a hunting lodge. After college where he plans to major in Business, he wants to open his own hunting trade.
Senior Princess Alyssa Algier was escorted by Peyton because he’s a kind friend. She is a softball player and cheerleader and likes shopping and hanging out with friends. The word that best describes her is “original” and she works well with others. If she could change something about Happy Camp High it would be more time for lunch. After graduation she plans to attend College of the Redwoods. If she won $100 million lottery she would travel the world.
Senior Prince and Homecoming King, Lucus Jones, was escorted by his good friend Cierra Silva because she is one of his great friends that makes him laugh. His favorite hobbies are playing sports and hanging out with friends. Lucas is active in football, baseball and his favorite, baseball, which he enjoys watching with his family. He is also very active in Athletes Committee and Student Body,. One word that best describes him is “optimistic” and he has a great sense of humor. Changes to Happy Camp High would be new tools and an improved shop for Woodworking and a Hunter Safety Course added to the curriculum. . He plans to go to Junior College and transfer to University. His role model is Travis Pastrana, motocross stuntman because he can do almost anything with no fear. If he won $100 million lottery he would pay for college, buy a nice house and donate to charity.

The Homecoming King, Lucus Jones and Queen, Sierra Campbell were crowned and reigned through the evening!