Over the Hill to Taylor’s in Cave Junction

Taylor’s Restaurant in Cave Junction, Oregon (just over the Hill!!)

by Judy Bushy
To celebrate my birthday, we went over the hill for lunch at Taylors Sunday. We enjoyed saying “Hi” to Dave, Sue Gordon, Pete and Martina who used to live in Happy Camp. Dianne Gilmore has the same birthday as I have! I wanted to see if the Butterfly Nature Center was open but it was so hot to stay too long. I keep saying one doesn’t have birthdays at my age, but never can turn down a fun lunch and chance to see friends. Taylor’s has a grilled turkey sandwich that’s delicous, and it’s big enough for two to share for lunch!

Taylor’s of Cave Junction
The family business was begun in 1923 in Canada before moving to California where the third generation began his love of the business. After Charles Taylor served in the Korean War he came back to get a Bachelor’s degree on meat science from Cal Poly. After working six days a week for 10 years in Oakland, he left the Big City for our beautiful corner of the world. In 1970 the family moved to the Illinois Valley and built a brand new modern kitchen to make their superb sausages. The two sons who grew up with the business here now ply the art of sausage making with their dad and their own kids here. During the busy holidays and hunting season, daughters, daughters in law, Grand and Grandpa and a handful of Grandkids all pitch in to complete the job.

Their community is much busier than we are in Happy Camp but there are many similarities! Whereas Happy Camp covers 12 square miles and is undifferentiated border at that, Cave Junction is only less than two square miles, with half again as large a population as Happy Camp. We appreciate those who love their neighbors in Happy Camp and along the Klamath as well!!

Neighborly Love
According to Robert Hirning,” this community is a small one where personal relationships are highly valued and provoking conflicts with your neighbors is really bad….We’re not big on lawsuits and enforcements around here but simple empathy for your neighbor’s feelings is very important…You may need your neighbor’s tractor to dig you out of the snow or his help to move your stuff in a forest fire evacuation. Love thy neighbor.

Considerate Driving by Neighbors
“Another major difference out here is how to drive these rural roads. First, and of foremost importance, is that staying on your side of the yellow line is not optional. Furthermore, being in a hurry is not an excuse for catching up on your calls or texting as you careen down the highway. Pull over for that kind of thing, not because it’s the law but because your neighbor’s life is at stake. Also the roads here are largely narrow two lane affairs and driving at a high rate of speed endangers wildlife, bicyclists, pets, pedestrians, as well as other motorists. Our roads are used by more than the late model sedans and pickups you may be accustomed to on urban expressways. There are slow moving farm tractors, hay balers, young women pushing strollers, old folks with their pets going out to the mail, lost tourists trying to find the road to Happy Camp ,and a whole lot of old rigs that just can’t go any faster. So don’t tailgate or go roaring past on a double line, these are your neighbors and your new friends. Keep them out of harm way.”
We certainly appreciate caution by driver’s in Happy Camp as well!!

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