January 2017: Pioneering on the Klamath
By Judy Bushy
The first week of the New Year, and I think we have 3 to 4 feet of snow in most areas. Plowed up in heaps to the rooftops in some places, as there is plenty of snow to clear!! It reminds me of childhood in Minnesota. How kids used to enjoy ice skating near our home, making snow angels and playing fox and goose as we chased around circles in the snow. We dressed for it every day, snow pants, warm coats, hats, scarves and mittens!
The complicating factor, when we get snow in Happy Camp, is that the electricity goes off. At our home it went off Monday night about 6:20 p.m. The generator didn’t want to start. Since we’d had dinner, sensible thing to do is turn in for the night.
The electricity came back on Tuesday afternoon, but only for a few hours. About 6:30 in the evening, off it went again. Curly Jack Road hadn’t been plowed, so that’s one way to get a good night’s sleep! Wednesday and Thursday evening, being under blankets and quilts was the only place to be, it was getting a little old! Some people had electricity and we didn’t.
We have good neighbors. Craig Lighthill was driving his truck to the rescue of stranded motorists and others, and made a path in our driveway. Our good neighbor, Carol Day had two strong men, son T.J. and grandson, who came to help.
Dan shoveled out and put chains on the pickup truck. Off he went to see Kingfisher Market, get the mail, and brought a pizza from Pizza House to eat by candlelight. In the middle of the night, our son, Stephen arrived from Yreka with the neatest lantern, it will even charge my cellphone! How amazing! So of course, the next day the electricity was back on, for awhile!
We are experienced in pioneering skills in Happy Camp! We have good neighbors, and it is kind of nice to have a quiet spell for a change. Later, Stephen got the generator going as well so we will do better next outage.
Saturday morning we woke up to electricity blinking off again!
Thanks to Kathy Purvis standing at the cold gas pumps helping people get gas. Linda is quilting. Friends are shoveling neighbor’s driveways, bringing firewood, picking up supplies, checking on neighbors. You really feel the warmth and gratitude for living here along the wild and beautiful Klamath River with the best neighbors ever!
Sure appreciated when the oven was working awhile that Dan made oatmeal cookies and hot chocolate! Some use this time to catch up on a few things, spend time with friends and family, play a game by candlelight, nap, cook up something special on the woodstove and count your many blessings. Debbie Bickford says, “Count your blessings, Name them one by one…You will be surprised what the Lord has done” is one of her favorite hymns and it’s a good way to live as well.
There was no Happy Camp Christian Fellowship gathering Sunday, snow still filled the parking lot.
Rogue Weather report for our area said that the East locations will take longer to change over from snow to rain but will eventually have rain (we are!) Ice may accumulate in areas where freezing rain develops and the impact on travel could be severe, so travel is NOT advised. Snow packed roads create hazardous driving conditions especially when freezing rain is on top of the ice as it is extremely slippery. If you must travel, take tire chains, a flashlight, food, water, any necessary medications and a fully charged phone with you. Drive with care. Keep safe! Stay inside and warm, when possible, in hazardous conditions!