Klamath River Valley Veterans Apprciated!!
There was a special dinner Friday evening which we planned to attend. In honor of Veterans Day, about ninety veterans in our community were invited to a dinner at the Karuk Community Center on 2nd Avenue to express appreciation for their service to our country.
To begin the program the Seiad Valley Elementary School Band with Ms De Kelner at the helm and dressed in very spiffy blue and gold uniforms played the national anthem. While perhaps all of the Veterans invited hadn’t come, the room was full and the food was great thanks to Babbie and Joann. Young people, Sam Davis, Silas served cake after the meal also.
Maxine Lopey and Lynn Grenvik came to town and it was great to see them. They said they had both been discussing coming to Dear Mad’m Symposium next October when it will be such fun to have them back. Lynn came with Tim Grenvik who is head of the Siskiyou County Veterans and comes to Happy Camp the 2nd Thursday of each month. Maxine came with our Sheriff Jon Lopey who was dressed to the T in his dress blues! He gave a stirring message to the veterans! We always greatly appreciate his coming to town as our highest Siskiyou County elected official besides Maria Armstrong. It is so nice to know that Happy Camp isn’t completely forgotten in our the county seat
Karen Derry and Babbie Peterson gave brief presentations on all the ways that the Senior Program and the Family Resource Center could be of help to veterans who might have needed various means of assistance. Then before we went home there were the drawings for door prizes, lots and lots of door prizes were donated.