NEW!! Homecoming Carnival at HCHS
Last Friday was the strangest day at Happy Camp High School.
It was Basketball Homecoming, which made it fun not strange.It was a time of lots of new activities and a Homecoming Carnival for the first time but electricity went off just before the fun began.
That didn’t stop any of the activity! There was a pep rally and Sean McDowell had some games that left most of the audience laughing.There was a great Carnival with candy games and face painting, but just before it began the electricity was interrupted.
That didn’t stop the students from having a good time, and some of the games were outside anyway. The races where you had to eat something gross at the end was humorousm, (It might not have been for the students who with funny things to ear) Twister game tested the agility and flexibility of students. They had to have several people face painting at the same time to get everyone lined up decorated!!
There were brownies, chips and sodas available, but since electrical interruption had come before lunch was cooked, sandwiches took the place of the planned menu.