See Happy Camp on TV with celebrity
Patrons of National Public Radio’s show, “California Gold!” saw a familiar face on the streets of Happy Camp. Huell Howser was visiting our area, Scott Valley, Yreka and Happy Camp especially, and then continued down the Bigfoot Scenic Byway to Willow Creek and out to the coast.
Television viewers in Los Angeles have already seen the television program in their homes. For those in our area, it won’t be broadcast until sometime in January. Thanks to James Buchner of Klamath River Resort Inn for inviting and providing the river side hospitality to the celebrity and his cameraman.
Huell also visited with Montine Blevins from the New 49er’s Prospecting Club, Wayne Scott of Bigfoot Towing across the street from the statue, and Rita Manley-King. Just goes to show! Never know who you will see in the friendly little town of Happy Camp, at the top of California!!
Yes, the world will eventually discover the JEWEL OF NORTHERN CALIFORNIA….
Someday, quite soon I believe, the world will definitely discover Sasquatch!