Sinead Talley & Charley Reed Students of the Year!
At the School Awards, Students of the Year were presented.
The first presentation of Student of the year was presented by Principal Angelika Brown to a student who is “motivated, polite, participates in sports, Student Council and all school activities. This student has shown leadership qualities and has helped organize different events for our school and her tribe. She has hosted exchange students and participated in international travel. She has great common sense and is very intelligent and cultured. We are all proud of her and proud of the fact that she got in Stanford and just represented us all at the White House in Washington DC. The first Student of the Year is Sinead Talley.”
The next introduction was made by Denise Bearding as follows: “When thinking of a student of the year, we look for those who are outstanding in certain areas. This particular student is outstanding in many areas. Some of which have not been recognized before. This student has appeared in front of a variety of audiences and crowds many times over the years and has always been gracious and self—effacing about his accomplishments. Many people may not know about a side which is not quite so obvious. In the area of fine arts, he is focused and creative and has a fine sense of quality and detail that shows in his drawings and other art work. He is thoughtful about what he produces and holds his work to a high level of excellence. In his writing, he is not afraid to put his heart on his sleeve letting emotions and thoughts come to the surface, He has never shirked from tackling a weird writing assignment and is always willing to challenge himself academically. His elementary school teacher remembers him, as I think many of us will today, easy going, friendly, and pleasant and liked by all. He quietly and determinedly focused on his school work, followed school rules, was respectful of his peers and adults and always had a smile to share. This student is looked up to by his colleagues and younger children. For good reason, he is a leader in the classroom, on the court, and on the field; an outstanding athlete and scholar and exemplary representative of the school and the tribe. It is with admiration and pride that we offer this prestigious award to Charley Reed for Student of the Year.”