St Patrick’s Day Variety Show by 8th Grade
Did you have a great cornbeef cabbage dinner for St. Patrick’s day? You could have, if you had been at the dinner sponsored by the Happy Camp Elementary School 8th grade class. There was also a Variety Show for entertainment, pies in some faces and auctioning off some really neat items. Read all about it on the Children & Youth page.
Also Outdoor Club birdhouse building.
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President obama Declares Manning Guilty.
I just watched the recent California fund raiser for Pres. Obama
where hecklers sang for Bradley Manning and were quickly disposed of.
What was interesting if not shocking was what came next. President Obama
was talking to an audience member and on the issue of Bradley Manning.
He said, “Well. lookit. when you dump documents its illegal and your Guilty”
and that takes care of that but that Not TRUE not in our system of justice!
As a constituitional lawyer and professor, I would expect better. In fact,
I’m appalled (and every Judge down to citizen juror should be too. )
You see, Manning has not been arrained in due process. He’s not been
tried or convicted. Now he has sat for 10 month in a cold frozen cell
and only after the latest general public outcry has been moved on to
levensworth with not any anticipation for a speedy trial, nor especially a
fair one when your commander in chief has declared your already guilty.
How can a Defence team in a military trial HOPE to compete or even play.