Community Connects @ Fair!

Music at the Community Connection Fair was enjoyed by young to old, by guest from Weed playing Banjo, Gerry Canning, Scott Nelson, and Tai Kim.
What a beautiful day in May for the Community Connection Fair. It was a lively bunch of vendors and activities at the Old Town Park with foot tapping music accompaniment to it all. The Happy Camp Community Computer Center put on the fair especially to introduce everyone to the regional job opportunities and educational opportunities available here. That music was good too!! Thanks to Tai, Scott, Gerry and a guest banjo player that played out on the green grass.
The Art Class from Happy Camp High School made beautiful cards which were for sale as a fundraiser. Rich Kelley had his beautiful array of Happy Camp Jade jewelry. Judy Armbruster of the Gardeners Market and Kathi from Swill up Creek had plants and the gorgeous photographs she has taken shared a booth.
The Art Council as well as the Computer Center had food available. If you only wanted a snack, the Karuk Youth program had sno-cones that seemed to be very popular. Shelby brought Lisa Aubrey a sno cone as she sat at her booth, offering hacky sack, kick balls. They were very popular with the teenagers that were there! They kept that ball bouncing with amazing dexterity!
Karuk Tribe also had a table with multiple things available from Head start at the beginning. They also had a wonderful little booklet called “Peek-wa Storied; Ancient Indian Legends of California by Grover C. Sanderson (Eaglewing) of the Karuk Tribe. This little booklet was first published in 1938. It had not been republished since 1960 and it was his son, Jack Sanderson, Sr. who decided to edit, revise and publish the 17 legends in this book. The Illustrations by Jack R. Sanderson, Sr. and Kevin Wallace with cover design by Darlene Brown. It is an enjoyable little book of stories, can’t wait to read the rest.
Sharon Cook and Veronica Rasmussen had a booth for the Forest Service with lots of information and throwing discs for the kids. An owl and bear cub in their display interested the children. Some of the kids seemed to enjoy climbing on the giant there – they can be so creative when there are no playground facilities!
One especially impressive booth was from the Weed Chamber of Commerce. They had many things, shirts to match covers with”I (love/heart) Weed” on them. They also had brochures about their town and a directory listing of Chamber members. A publication of the arts people from all over Siskiyou County was also available. From their newsletter I learned that the Scott Valley Bank has won a national service award from the Independent Community Bankers of America. The Bank was chosen from over 5000 banks for its employee involvement and Community Service. What good news!
The Horse Therapy booth had horse figurines holding down all their information so the breezes didn’t carry it away, Cliff Stockton manned the Family Resource Center booth and shared kid’s books with the youngsters. Computer Center had information on the classes that College of the Siskiyou will be offering through Distance Learning and Internet classes. You would really be surprised how many people in our community are taking classes. A lot of young girls are taking child development classes for early childhood education and even high school students are getting ahead on their credits with classes. Seems like there are classes for everyone no matter what your age or interest. If you have an interest in learning but have been reluctant to travel the great distances to take classes, talk to Emma Lee Johnson at the Computer Center and she can help you get started! The Happy Camp Community Computer Center number is 493-5213.