Neighbors Watch for the Community

Neighborhood Watch puts up sign; Deputy Garrison, Lisa Scott, Becky Tiraterra, Cathy Huggins and Dan Effman put up sign for Neighborhood Watch.
by Judy Bushy
Happy Camp Neighborhood Watch became a 501c3 organization last year due to the hard work of Lisa Scott, secretary and Becky Tiraterra, president. Due to moving, and health issues, Lisa and Becky resigned in January and people stepped up to fill the positions temporarily to keep the organization running. thanks to those who did so, Randy White and Bruce Harlow especially!
July Meeting
Tuesday July 10th (date due to Holiday.) Board members, officers, bylaws and most of all the crime fighting and prevention efforts of the Happy Cmap Neighborhood Watch were on the agenda!!
August Meeting
David Culbert called the first Neighborhood Watch meeting he presided at Monday to order. Dan Effman has volunteered to cook you eggs the way you like them at the Pancake Breakfast Sunday Morning before the Bigfoot Jamboree Parade September 3rd. Come out to the Pancake Breakfast for pancakes, eggs, sausage, juice, milk or coffee. Bring your whole family and start the fun day right, while supporting the Neighborhood Watch.
They can also use help serving, dining room, clean up and probably washing dishes, if you could volunteer. Dan’s in charge of the kitchen and likes to make your eggs how you like them and Laurey will coordinate volunteers. She is Laurey Behrmann, phone 643-3807.
Don’s Sporting Goods
They also want to encourage people to buy their raffle tickets before Saturday, September 2nd for the Don’s Sporting Drawing. With limited number of tickets to be sold, chances are great!!