Glad and Grateful New Year!

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by Judy bushy
Sunday morning we hoped to welcome our first sunrise of the new year. It’s a beautiful sight to see, if the clouds don’t obscure the view. This year, however, we looked out to beautiful light fluffy new snow!! Not only that, but my dear red Australian Shepherd was enjoying it! He runs around pushing his nose in the snow and shaking it off on occasion and seemed thrilled to have the new play matter all around.

Celebrating such beauty and hope, from the inside of a warm home, reminds us how grateful we are to have that nice warm shelter, but also to be able to look around at such beauty on a daily basis.

Bruce Harlow posted his New Year’s Grateful List! The things that he is grateful for, living in Happy Camp were, first of all our small market, Kingfisher Market, that packs so many things in it. He also appreciated that they even have a butcher. He is thankful for our water service, Happy Camp Community Services District, as well as sewer which is through the Happy Camp Sanitary District.

We are very thankful for Pacific Power and Light and I will add that with snow coming down, that it hasn’t gone off! Sometimes snow on trees causes’ disruption, but that makes us more grateful when all is working well. With snow on the roads today, we appreciate CalTrans and the County Road workers who help to keep the roads safe for travel.

Bruce also mentioned being grateful to the Karuk Tribe, who do so much for the entire community, not only their natives and descendants, and the Forest Service. I’m especially grateful for Jim Elison, District Recreation Officer who made a map and listed trails that are convenient for hiking around town.

Everyone is grateful to the Post Office that brings us our mail, and for those without computers who want email get it at the Happy Camp Computer Center. Packages are also brought by FedEx and Tom with UPS. Our schools are appreciated and the teachers, bus-drivers, and all the staff.

What would we do without the businesses, Double J, Pizza House, Clinic Pharmacy, Rick’s Auto Supply and Al’s Garage that keep things humming along when we need things. We have a large number of churches and non-profit organizations for which we are grateful, and youth programs. To his list, Bruce added, “Everyone who cares and keeps on working to make it better”, a “Thank You, and Happy New Year!”

To that list, Scott Grandstaff added, “Don’t forget Fire and Ambulance; Selfless heroes out there risking their lives in the middle of the night, for us. The Highway Patrol and the Sheriff’s Deputies also serve our community.

With grateful hearts, we look forward to the new calendar year and it is exciting to think of all the opportunities that await us, some planned, and some we probably don’t even know about yet. While preparing the Chamber calendar for the coming year I noticed Saturday is a Mid Klamath Food Shed and the Karuk DNR is having a Pruning Workshop at Sandy Bar Ranch from One o’clock to four O’clock, rain or shine. They ask you to dress accordingly. Give them a call at MKWC 627-3202 or email for details of the workshop.

Basketball coming
The High School is looking forward to beginning more Basketball, but not this week. The first games are the 10th at Big Valley and 14th when Dunsmuir comes here. Homecoming is planned for February 3rd. In only 17 days, some of our high school students will be attending the Inauguration of President Donald Trump in Washington, D.C., that will be something to tell their children and grandchildren about!