Happy Camp High Celebrates American Education Week!

American Education Week

Next week, November 12 – 16 is American Education Week! Happy Camp High School wants to celebrate with the whole community. Education is the key to success for our students in the future.

School Celebrants
Happy Camp High School wants to celebrate not only the teachers (Dave Timbrook, Denise Bearding, Diane Oliver, Erica Mitchell, Indigo Mack, Carissa Bussard, transportation crew (aka bus drivers), Mandy Stone, Bob Humphreys, para-educators:Tom Evertson, Leona McLaughlin and Chena Ariza, office worker Rachel, food service worker Leona McLaughlin, custodians Smokey Titus and Greg McDonald, but also the parents and community members (you!) who make our school so much better.

Principal Quote
Casey Chambers, principal at Happy Camp High School said, “Since I have worked in education, over 32 years, I have watched our schools and educators beaten down by negative public opinions of education in the USA. This is so contrary to what I witness every day in our schools. Daily I see school adults who work tirelessly for the academic, social, and emotion growth of our students. I see students who are happy to be in school (though many won’t admit it!) and the entire school community working together.

“Public schools are a place where students from all backgrounds and circumstances come together to learn. At Happy Camp High School, we are proud to say we believe in providing all students with the support and tools they need and deserve.”

Parents Day
Please plan on joining Happy Camp High School on Tuesday, November 13th, for PARENTS DAY! Join us for coffee and treats in the morning, or come lunch with us at noon. We want you to see for yourself how our school works.

Or, do you have a skill to teach or an experience to share? Let us know and you can be a part of our “BE AN EDUCATOR FOR A DAY”(or an hour) event on Thursday, November 15th. For further information call Happy Camp High School at 493-2697

October Homecoming Royalty

homecoming Royalty, Nikki arrison and Brett Burcell reigned Friday

homecoming Royalty, Nikki arrison and Brett Burcell reigned Friday

October Colors
October colors on the leaves makes beautiful autumn scenes all around happy Camp! Not only is it a perfect time for a drive—either down the State of Jefferson Scenic Byway from I-5 to the east, or Bigfoot Scenic Byway from hwy 299 at Willow Creek The weather is cool and crisp! I love it!

Those of us who haven’t gotten out on those drives really appreciate those who do so with their camera. About four people posted photos on Facebook today and that was delightful! Then there are the photos of the bucks who will be feeding a family venison soon, and those that got away for another day. The bear, cougar, skunks and last night a raccoon tried to hit my car. He wasn’t successful, thank goodness! Son, Stephen told me orange was a good color for me to drive when recommending the Aveo, so perhaps that caused the little masked bandit to miss me!

This is that beautiful time of year with apple pie and pumpkins being gathered for decorating or to make pie too. Sherri shared her pumpkin cookies with chocolate chips last week and now I’ve found the recipe! Dan’s baking Oatmeal raisin cookies and I’m looking forward to turnkey dinner soon.

The kids at Happy Camp High School dressed like animals on Monday, Hillbilly’s on Tuesday, Blast from the Blast on Wednesday for HOMECOMING!! In my day, shortly after the middle ages, we had past decades 20s 30’s 40s or 50s to choose from…now they add 70s, 80s, and 90s to the millennium to the mix!. Wednesday was also Powder Puff game. Thursday after the kids dressed in pajamas there was a volleyball game!And Friday is Superhero day. Friday was senior presentations before the volleyball game and senior presentations before the football game. The homecoming king and queen were be crowned at half time. Your support for the team and the high school is greatly appreciated. It certainly made an action packed week. Pajama Day and Superheroes on Friday were the most fun. The kids kept in costume later in the day. Then there was a LOUD assembly in the gym before school was out Friday, so they were in fine shape for cheering and fun!
Nikki Harrison was crowned homecoming queen by Sydney Snider, who reigned last year. Brett Burcell was crowned homecoming king at half time festivities. They looked so happy! The cheerleaders, Damian Valenzuela, Brianna, Beatrice Edwards and Megan Minimum were full of cheer as well.

Coming Events
Wednesday is a baked potato dinner to raise funds for the fifteen going to Washington D.C. for the inauguration. You must admire the way the students have dug in and held bake sales, car washes, spaghetti dinner, Bingo and candy sales to earn the money for their trip.
In less than a week some will celebrate Halloween Monday, October 31st. That makes Tuesday, November 1st All Saints Day. The following week, November 8th is Election Day. Some of you may have already sent in a mail ballot, but the rest of us go to the polls. have you noticed something very funny about the election this year. No one seems to have yard signs and bumper stickers and broadcast the candidates that they are supporting for this election. There is also more bad feeling toward other voters with differing views than I ever
Two weeks and a bit more and it will be Veterans Day Friday, November 11th. Just four weeks from Thursday will be “over the river and through the woods time for Thanksgiving.
It is time for all those artists and craftspeople to begin making things they want to sell for the holidays. In just five weeks from Saturday will be a chance to buy lots of wonderful craft items at the Grange with their annual Craft event. Then eight weeks from Sunday is Christmas day. And in nine weeks we will already be in the New Year 2017, Lord willing.


Alan Dyar’s Message from Town Meeting

This Wednesday is the Excellent Mexican dinner of enchiladas, beans, rice and salad for only $10 across from the Bigfoot Corner. You an dine in the “open air at the Klamath Siskiyou Art Center’s lawn venue while enjoying the music performed by the River Bar Community Band. We’ve been eagerly looking forward to this for a month and can’t wait for a lovely evening with out Klamath Neighbors.

Last Wednesday was the Town Hall on Drug, Crime and mental health problems in Happy Camp. Sheriff Lopey highlighted a previous meeting with the Karuk Tribal, law enforcement, justice and social services personnel. The view that use and problems with illicit drugs are increasing and need to be dealt with. the Drug task force SUMIT is working on this issue, but Sheriff and Karuk resources are limited and the lack of jobs and economic prosperity hinders progress. Youthful offenders are most vulnerable and prone to anti-social behavior that needs prevention and treatment. Neighborhood Watch and DARE are active but need assistance. Schedules of law coverage, community citizen, governmental and private collaboration is needed because drugs and alcohol are causing crime and mental health challenges in the community.

Besides our many distinguished visitors from our of town to share with us, Sheriff Lopey asked Alan Dyar to speak! Alan mentioned that he first came her as Superintendent and Principal of Happy Camp Elementary School in 1991 until he retired in 2002. Then they needed a principal in the high school in 2007 and he answered the call, until her retired in 2011. October 2014 the new principal resigned and he came back to Happy Camp High School for a couple more weeks to June 2015. At this time he has a right hand man in the form of Carol Dyar, his wife of 45 years who has been the school secretary since Ruth Bain retired.

He strode to the front of the room and asked the gathered crowd, “Don’t forget the good kids!” Ninety percent of the kids are the good kids, some are fantastic They study and play hard and are going the right direction and we need to work with the students and their families.
Thank God for the Tribe who helps the children here get an education and go on to college and make something of themselves. But that means we have a Brain Drain, and we’re so glad when some of those students go away and get their education and then come back like a couple here tonight! Part of the problem is the billion dollar industry out there all around us that we can’t use because of red tape, but we won’t talk of that tonight.

“In the years I’ve been here in Happy Camp we have gone from 188 students in the high school down to about fifty! It is a problem, without jobs and without there being something to come back to the community! Bill Estep and some others in the room are trying to help with solutions in the Coordinating Committee but it is frustrating. Ray Haupt our new supervisor is working to that end.

“We have 45 fantastic kids and only a few 5 or 6 who have problems. We work closely with the probation department, Tianna and the other young lady as well as Sgt Callahan and Deputy Garrison at the High School. Arden and John have told you about the Athlete Committed and Committed Chapter at our high school.

“I’ve been in education continuously since 1970. Seeing all you here tonight, this is the beginning of it, We can make a dent. If we Impact ONE kid, it will all be worth it. We had one youngster self reporting her infraction of the Committed contract, and because she came forward, three others self reported. It doesn’t happen overnight, it takes time. but we don’t have time for a few. Biggest thing is how people work, , really care. Look at family structure, and positive male role models helps those who dont’ know how to work.

“We as a community have to do something!Don’t forget the good kids and we need to work with others and their families. It’s time for us to do something. Families go through the school program and some are involved in activities that alter the genetic make up of humans. That’s where they need to see what they are screwing up, Being a geneticist, raising racing pigeons, we know that if we screw up there, we’re heading down the wrong trail.

“We need a male mentor ship base. I can be the students worst enemy if needed to make a correction one day, but the next day they can come in and talk about whatever their concerns are with me in my office. We can talk about their goals and plans and how they can do better
Bill Estes from the audience asked if Mr. Dyar thought we could do without economic changes.
Happy Camp needs improved economic structure, It’s sad when the most profitable job (an old logger) can have is growing dope. We have got to have an economic base. Always something to stop mining, thinning forest, but the challenge is to start something and turn it around from that.

He was also asked about music and said the Happy Camp Elementary school has a full set of band musical instruments but the first thing to be cut from the budget always seems to be the music and that type of thing.

Alicia Derry told about the things that the Happy Camp Family Resource Center, one of ten in out county, does. They have Behavioral Health, Veterans programs, family law facilitator, emergency food bank, help people fill out food stamp and medicaid applications. They’ve worked with committed Chapters, and even have a community garden. When asked if they still teach parenting classes, she said that they have to have 10 parents or guardians sign up for a class to fun it. But they are getting psychiatry help and using Tele-health for that type of education.

Another presenter from the Karuk Tribe mentioned that the tribe has put on dances for the students and is a good resource for the youth of our community. We all want to see the community get healthy, not like it is now. and they also pay insurance for open gym so the students can play basketball or volleyball some evenings. She said Karuk are part of the community and always want to be! (editor note: From my point of view they are an intregal part of the the foundation of the community, the one’s who were here before most of us and often show tremendous generosity)

One of the visions is putting it all together. She was asked about curriculum about the culture and said that K-3 is nearing completion, as Educational Director, Crissa Bussard, has mentioned also.
It was a very well attended meeting and brought hope that this builds more collaborative efforts by all of our Klamath Neighbors. Hope to share more results from this meeting in the coming column.

H.C.H.S. Awards Given at Friday’s Assembly!

There were two students presented awards for the Student of the First Semester of the 2012=2013 School Year: This is how they were presented:

The first student of the first semester of the 2012-2013 School year is a young lady who shows all the qualities deserving such an award. She has great grades and participates in Student Council She does a lot of fundraising. She takes on new roles all the time, She plays sports, She is talented in the arts.. She is good at whatever she sets her mind to!

Most of all she is respectful to everyone and can talk about anyting in a kind and mature nature.

She is trustworthy, very responsible and she can take other people’s point of view.

She is a very caring young lady and in our book, shows great citizenship. She has shown this since she came to our school and does not just do this during the sports season or for one month, but always.

She will go far and has very big goals for herself after high school. I am looking forward to watching her career after high school.

Ladies and Gentlemen, our first student of the semester of the 2012-13 year is Cassidy Little,

Presenting the second student of First Semester of the 2012-2013 School Year:
Our second student of the first semester is known by everyone in the school for his academic excellence, his brilliance in sports, and his distinction in student government.
I have watched this student develop from a determined child at Seiad Valley Elementary into a purposeful adult at Happy Camp High School.
Of all his many accomplishments, there are two that, I think set him apart from most students. The first is the level of expectation he sets for himself.

Good wishes as Ruth Bain Retires!

John & Ruth Bain

John & Ruth Bain

Ruth Bain started to work at Happy Camp High School February 1978 and had experience as an attendance clerk and aide before beginning her position as secretary. Now, after 34 years in the High School she has decided to retire and visit more with family and grandchildren, which are her delight, and do gardening and handiwork at which she excels.

Happy Camp High School teachers and staff, past and present as well as representatives from the Siskiyou Union High School District gathered at the Happy Camp Grange for a farewell. Retired teachers such as Paul Trestrail, Terry & Roberta Everett, Hokinson represented by Diann and John Kufner were also there and spoke to the value of Ruth’s efforts in the school over the 34 years she faithfully and loyally kept the office. Bob Seaman shared how vital to the operation of the Happy Camp Grange Ruth has been also. Angelika Brown, new high school principal this year, presented Ruth with a beautiful crystal award.

Retirement Song for Ruth

Retirement song for Ruth

A song was sung in Ruth’s honor by Patti Sherman, Tom Evertsen , Casey Chambers, Paige Bovey Kevin Brown Denise Bearding, Alyssa Garcia , Elizabeth Laney Nena Creasey, Ed Sherman, Chris and Angelika Brown, Principal of Happy Camp High School. All work together to assure our Happy Camp students of the best education possible. Ruth has been the one keeping records, sending purchase orders and supporting the teachers through the years.

In 1954 a scholarship was begun in memory of Ruth’s father, Kenny Jacobsen, Sr. which has given out over $25,000 in scholarship funds to students over the years. Ruth has been recognized for her work in the community in the past. In May, 1995 Ruth received a commendation from the AMERICAN Legion and Auxiliary, given in recognition of outstanding volunteerism in our community and country. It included the note, ”Ruth you have our gratitude an sincere appreciation for donating priceless help to those in need. You are an asset to this community by being an example and a positive influence on the students and community. We sincerely thank you.”

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