Rick Huston announced that volunteers are welcome to help prepare for next years Bigfoot Jamaboree in Happy Camp. As the president of the Happy Camp Coordinating Council., Huston said the 1996 Bigfoot Jamboree was a success because of the many volunteers who helped work and plan the annual Happy Camp event.
Since the Show and Shine of the Chamber of Commerce was rained out in May, that event was postponed to the Bigfoot Jamboree. Seventeen cars and trucks were parked on the shady part of the River Park for enjoyment of on-lookers. First prize went to Billy Hibberts’ Transam. The first place for the trucks was one owned by Don Alexander of Yreka. There were also motorcycles on display. Steve Zefault, Ivan Hyde, Janeen Snopl and Rick Huston were in charge of planning the Show and Shine for the Chamber and did a good job getting beautiful cars in the parade.
The grand prize in the Jamboree Parade held Sunday by the active3 kids tumbling around, TUMBLETOWN TOTS. McCulley Logging celebrated 50 year anniversary of logging winning first place in the commercial category followed by Larry’s Market and the Bigfoot that kep escaping the cage he rode in. Thanks to Lance!
Howard Garthwait, chairman of the parade preparations said it was one of the bigger parades recently. Mike Polluck, Rusty Crocker, Dave Rasmussen and Ryan Rasmussen were the judges.
Lioness Club in their poodle skirts and a life size picture of Elvis, won first place in the noncommercial/nonprofit category. The Cub Scout Color Guard followed in second by the tallest Uncle Sam delivering the mail. The Grange entry won third place.
Larry Wright Jr. flew the Red Baron plane for first place in the individual entries. Second place was by the Happy Camp High School class reunion class of ’76. Karuk drummers played to keep the parade marching on and won third place.
Ladies in large hats with colorful ducks on them represented the American Legion Auxiliary # 530 at the Bigfoot Jamboree. Sales of tickets to enter a colorful little duck in the Duck Race were brisk. First place winner of $200 cash was won by Shirley Willis, second place winner was Dorothy Pence and Third place was Alecia Derry. The last little duck across the finish line brought Edward Peters $20.
Kim Seago won the beautiful necklace of locally mined gold from the Independence Mine area. K.D.Peabody won fresh strawberries and jelly jars from Larry’s Market. Pauline Stacy won battery cables from Rick’s Auto Supply. Antone won bait and tackle from Ron’s Bait and Tackle. Robert Spence won a wooden duck from Siskiyou House. Linda Kufner won a hibachi from Karuk Building Supply, Preston Wilson and Ron Snopl each got five gallons of gas from Millers Unocal – the “new” gas station in town. Jean Burnett won pan pizza’s from Headway Pizza and Kyle Stockton won tanning solution from Clinic Pharmacy. Deanna Indehar won a handmade hankie angel made by Linda Sutcliffe of Happy Crafts.Mary Lauritzen and Maxine McCoy won and hour of labor from Dian Wood and Trevor Zedikier, respectively. Judith Marasco won a hand painted desert scene from Evans Mercantile. Gerri Jacobson and Larry Wright,Jr. won gas from Siskiyou Petrol Systems. Linda Zink won a cedar birdhouse from Renewable Resource Products. Adrien donated shampoo and conditioner won by Edwards Peters.
A fun float trip for six down the Klamath River by J.J. of River Country Rafting was won by Kenny Seago. The Auxiliary fund raising chairman, Nida Johnson, said a big “thank you” to all the individuals and businesses that contributed and bought raffle tickets for their fund raising activity at the Bigfoot Jamboree. Next year, an Independence Day Duck Race is being planned. Thanks to all the volunteers who splashed around in the river retrieving ducks who had stopped to play!

Cub Scout Pack #52 and Jay Clark as Uncle Sam