Seiad Valley Crafters Create Great Craft Event at the Fire Hall Saturday

By Juy E. Bushy
This is such a beautiful time on the Klamath River! The rain that we’ve prayed for August 5th and well into September has arrived. Even though it is too late to help the garden, it’s done the most important of dousing the McCash Fire! That’s a relief to those who suffered so greatly with anxiety after having a fire so close to town after last year’s experience with the Slater Fire.

Next thing on the agenda is the wonderful Craft Fair at the Seiad valley Fire Hall on Saturday. We have amazingly talented quilters, knitter or crocheting jewelry makers, bakers, woods crafters and all sorts of wonderful crafts. I’m looking forward to seeing Anna Burma’s handcrafted picture frames. Will Jill Livingston and her sister have books from Living Gold Press? At Double J when I was in for whipped cream for the top of my burnt apple cobbler yesterday, Virginia stopped by with giraffe and other creatures she has been making, beautiful examples of needlework.

You will love the great things available at the Seiad Valley Fire Hall from 11 to 2 on Saturday. They will have a delicious lunch available for you to purchase as well. The Seiad Valley community works together to put on really great events like this. They especially support their Seiad Valley Volunteer Fire Departments, which is the purpose of this event. It’s wonderful to be able to purchase a gift or something to bring cheer to winter days in your own home!!

This week is a great chance to take this beautiful drive down the State of Jefferson Scenic Byway to Seiad Valley! The Fire Hall is easy to find right on Highway 96. Hope to see you there!!