Miracle of Magalia Pines in the Camp Wildfire!

Pastor Doug Crowder of Magalia Pines Baptist Church

by Judy Bushy
Doug Crowder was a sell-beloved pastor in Happy Camp. A missionary, Keith Bradley had come to get the first Bible Study started with no intention of starting a church but then in 1991 it became apparent that Christian families needed a place to worship. When he wasn’t able to come as often, Doug Crowder was called as pastor, and the church quickly loved Doug, Debra and their children, Duane and Diana.

Pastor Doug Crowder
Together we worshiped, with Doug’s great piano abilities, sang, prayed, and there were fun times with coffee, celebrating birthdays, having potluck dinners, and sometimes even rafting down the Klamath River on a Sunday Afternoon. We had missionaries come for Vacation Bible School and then a group of Yreka youth, including Duane, came and were greatly appreciated by the children who came to the summer Bible program! Every person in the church took part, teaching, games or even mowing the lawn at the log high school that we had obtained for the occasion. My youngest, Stephen, was baptized along with others in Elk Creek by Pastor Doug Crowder.

Moving to Megalia
After a few years, however, Pastor Crowder’s new responsibilities with ABeka Books took him further travels and it became necessary to move to the Chico Area. When he was there he became involved with a mission church, Megalia Pines Baptist Church, begun in 1997. Unfortunately, the church burned down. The nextg Sunday a tent was erected and the worship and service for the Lord continued while they built a new Worship Center. Later they also added an educational building for the school at the church.

Camp Fire
This month, fire again came into the Magalia Pines congregation. Doug and Debra and some of the other members of the church were preparing to evacuate. they needed cars, with enough gas, to make the trip safely from the area. Unfortunately before these 34 persons were able to get away, wildfire raged and surrounded them. the Subway Restaurant across the street was in flames, and there was no escape. They sprinted to the Church where they prayerfully spent the night.

When they were able to safely be evacuated, they found the church and persons unscathed. Even the autumn leaves remained on the trees around the church. Magalia and Paradise suffered an awful devastation, many have lost homes, and the church stands ready to minister to their neighbors and help in the healing. As soon as they are allowed back into Magalia, they will be ready to gratefully serve the Lord and serve the community as a lighthouse amid the community.

Magalia Pines Church when those who had found refuge in the church went out Friday Morning, November 9th after the raging fire of Thursday night.

Across the street from Magalia Pines Baptist Church Friday morning