This Week & Celebrations to come in Happy Camp
by Judy E. bushy
March 14th, Monday Afternoon, 5:30 at the Partner’s Deli is the monthly Happy Camp Neighborhood Watch Meeting. Volunteers are welcome. If you are concerned about thievery and other crime in our town, your assistance is important in taking action!
March 16th, Wednesday. If you need an excuse, bake a birthday cake for President James Madison. He was born March 16, 1751. Besides being President Madison was important in the drafting of the Constitution and Bill of Rights. Thomas Jefferson appointed him to be Secretary of State where he served until he won election to be president in 1830.
March 17th, Thursday, be sure to celebrate Irish heritage with the wearing of the GREEN! Happy St. Patrick’s Day and keep a look out for the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow!!
Thursday at the Happy Camp Assembly of God Church at 727 Indian Meadows Drive, Pastor Jim Uhey is in the midst of an 8 week study from 7:00 to 8:00 pm. They will cover understanding that loses affect each of us, emotionally, physically and Spiritually, although each of us react differently to these events. He will also provide some tools to help our children process their losses and tools to help[ each other.
March 18th, Friday, if you didn’t get that birthday cake Tuesday, here’s your chance. For this is President Grover Cleveland’s birthday. He was born March 17, 1837, in New Jersey.
April 10th at 9:30 in the morning there will be a Turkey Shoot at Klamath River Community Hall. That is also Palm Sunday.
April 17th will be the most important Christian celebration of the year, even more than Christmas!! On this day, all Christians and those who want to celebrate the Resurrection of Jesus Christ will meet at the Happy Camp Airport. I’ve remembered this celebration at the Happy Camp Airport for over 50 years although we didn’t get there all those years. Do you remember previous celebrations for Easter Morning. Let us know in the comments how long you’ve seen Happy Camp celebrating Resurrection Life!!