BOOK DAY in Happy Camp

Judy Bushy

Book Club Meets Tuesday at 11 o’clock to noon at MMGC!

It is quite logical for Tuesday to be Book Day in Happy Camp. After all, that is the day, each Tuesday afternoon that the Happy Camp Branch Library of the Siskiyou County Library System is open! iT IS A a MOMENTOUS DAY and looked forward to most of the week by many! The volunteers who keep our library open are gratefully appreciated.

To make Tuesday even more of a Book Day, River Book Club, to which you are invited, meets at 11 o’clock morning.. We’ve read several books, The Education of Little Tree, One lucky Dog, Last Bus to Wisdom and a local history book, Beginner’s Luck by Malcolm Terence In fact, since we plan to finish reading about the Black Bear Commune and Malcolm’s experiences since that time living along the wild and scenic Klamath River, we are looking forward to his joining us and reading some excerpts on the first Tuesday in October!

Then a new book will be read, I’ll add that to this post as soon as I know it.

In the meantime, everyone is welcome! We’d love to have you join us if you enjoy reading a good book!!


  • Edna watson

    Hi Judy .. I love it when you write your column and I get to read it. Sometimes I don’t see it. Are y’all still doing book club ? Let me know please. My Parkinson’s disease has progressed a lot I am sad to say and I can’t drive myself very far any more. However I still love reading your news. For example I am very thrilled to learn about all the trees for happy camp that Ellen’s daughter Lisa has acquired so far and I want to help . I could not get the link to do anything so I will try writing in the whole url to go to the go fund me page..,judy I want to thank you for always being so wonderful
    And positive and for being such a good reporter ! Much love to you from Edna Watson

    • Thank you for your kind words, Edna! The River Reader’s Book Club has taken a break for December but hope to meet again. FAye used to find the greatest books for us to read but after her home burned she is living elsewhere.
      I’m so sorry to hear of your Parkinson’s and hope you’ll be feeling better. I’m hoping my husband can come home by Christmas as he was found to have an abcess on his brain a week after we were evacuated for the Slater Fire, was flown to Rogue Regional and then to OHSU where he had surgery September 9th. He has had to have IV antibiotics administered in skilled nursing facility but we are hoping he will be home this week. It’s been six weeks since I could even visit him six feet outside his window. After 54 years, I still forget and talk to him when he isn’t here!!
      I hope that you will have a very Merry Christmas and thank you again!!
      Judy Bushy

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