What great fun at Bigfoot Jamboree 2012!!

Parry’s 1st place Commercial or Business float.

Tapasarara float of karuk Tribe dancers won for Organizations.

by Judy Bushy
The Happy Camp Coordinating Council is to be commended for all the hard work and planning that goes into the Bigfoot Jamboree before it seems to always “just happen” on Labor Day weekend! Thank you to Linda Zink, Sammi Offield, Leonie Jacobson, Donna McCulley, Montine Blevins, and Savannah from the bank and to all the others who worked on various aspects of our Hometown Festival every Labor Day: Bigfoot jamboree!!!

The parade was wonderful. Bob Goodwin was the MC and then announced the awards down at the River Park. The judges were Bob Hokanson, Cheryl Scruggs and Gary Burnett’s sister, Terry.

In the Business or Commercial float category, third place was the Bigfoot Towing and Lawn Mower Races. You really have to see these Lawn Mower Races put on by the Outdoor Club! I heard that Aaron Martin won the race Saturday evening but, didn’t hear the outcome of the Sunday evening races. Bob threw in that he had taken his lawnmower to be repaired at Bigfoot Towing, but they didn’t get it going 70 mph mowing his lawn.

The second place Commercial float was a red truck driven by Bonnie Alvarez with red spots all over. It was the Ladybug Shuttle from Forest Lodge. They had antennae and red shirts with the black dots decorating! They had a great deal of fun too!!

First place in the Commercial floats was Parry’s Market and they stuck to the the theme, Generations. Their float showed the generation of the Roaring 20s! the newlyweds, Mary and Erik were on the float with my neighbor, Carol Day..

Third place for Organizations was the Old Volks & Folks from Grants Pass. They had half a dozen old Volkswagens that were in different shapes, one had a cute trailer, and one looked like a mini-“hummer”. So glad that they came over the mountain to help make our Bigfoot Jamboree so much fun!

Second place in Organization floats was the River Valley 4H clubs horsemanship project. They had beautiful horses to drive, ride or walk and the miniatures. There were even a few on the end with “ stick” horses.

First place for Organizations was the Karuk dancers, They had the word Pasarara on their float which I’ll have to look up in the Karuk Dictionary to see the meaning.

The Individual category trophy went to Kayla Whitehouse. She does a marvelous job with her baton twirling.

The grand prize for all of the floats and parade entries was Marbke Mountain Gift Company! there was a red head from I love Lucy!! There were characters from “Grease” also….(remember when Mr. Saler put on a production of Grease years ago in the late 80s)

Parry’s Market float. It was great with the newlyweds, Mary and Eric, and our neighbor Carol Day on the Roaring 20s float!

The singer, Lenny Green sang at the park after the awards were given. He sang such fun Bigfoot songs. His song about the Bigfoot Byway has become a well loved favorite! You can hear him sing this song at http://www.landofthebigfoot.com/byway.htm.

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