Winter Solstice Bonfire under Giant Dream Catcher
Wednesday was the night for the Burning under the Giant Dream Catcher.
Thanks to Jeff for getting a great bonfire going! It was a very chilly evening but the bonfire area was warm and toasty.
Dennis Day had the hot cider heated on a camp stove, and Dolly Elston had popped popcorn that afternoon. Mark also brought chips and salsa.
Many thanks to Patty Sherman, our local yoga and drumming instructor, for not only coming and drumming, but for bringing a fascinating assortment of drums and other instruments. They were great! Others, like Terri Winslow also brought a drum or instrument and there was some singing, even new songs created for the occasion.
A scarecrow figure of a fisherman, representing a poor fishing season, was guest of honor. Lists of things they are going to “let go of,” were burned in the bonfire and people had a chance to have “their say” on things from rescuing cats to keeping children and families safe together. Bob Schmalzbach shared about the new Internet radio program from Happy Camp on IF radio!
The Chamber of Commerce bonfire took place Wednesday, Winter Solstice night under the Giant Dream Catcher, lit up with lights for the occasion. It was a good time, with music and refreshments around a warm bonfire! The best was seeing friends and neighbors we hadn’t seen for awhile, but stopped by for awhile to visit and sing or drum. Dennis shared the “Rebuild the Dream,” which seemed a quite logical beneath the giant Dream Catcher.
Next year’s winter solstice has reportedly believed by some people to be a momentous occasion of some sort according to the Mayan calendar. Since the Bible says only God knows when the end of the age will come, I’m sure the Mayans didn’t know either, but makes life interesting with all the rumors! We wonder what progress will be made to “Rebuild the Dream” (as the American Dream needs some work in the coming days.) But that’s why it is so great to have a new beginning as we see the New Year turn a new leaf on the calendar. A very Happy New Year to all!