Jamboree Floats Make a Parade!!
In the business category, Double J Sports and Spirits/ABC Logging had a float with the younger “loggers” and logging equipment for first place.
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Online News for the Klamath River Valley
In the business category, Double J Sports and Spirits/ABC Logging had a float with the younger “loggers” and logging equipment for first place.
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Lightening stuck on August 11th and fires have been growing since, and smoke has made air unpleasant for communities along the Klamath River! We had about two thousand fire fighters at the River Park when they weren’t out fighting the flames!!
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Alyssa Allgiers was crowned Bigfoot Queen on Friday night at the Happy Camp River Park. Alyssa was escorted by Travis Ward as they danced the Queen’s dance. Her royal court of Princesses included, Julia Peters escorted by her dad, Abigail Eadie escorted by Kris Nelson, Frankie Snyder escorted by Cody Haskell and Cierra Silva escorted by Brandon Tripp. The girls were all lovely and handed flowers by the two little flower girls as former Bigfoot Queen of the Jamboree, Bailee Allec placed the tieras.
ny Judy Bushy
Most Important coming event is the Town Meeting at the Grange August 13th with Jon Lopey, our sheriff. Please come and bring a citizen of the community with you!!
Last week the Happy Camp Coordinating Council began meeting each week as they tie everything together for putting on the 47th Annual Bigfoot Jamboree on Labor Day weekend. This year has some really special activities planned for families. Saturday will be a very special Kids time. In preparation you are invited to get the picture to color the coloring page can be downloaded from the website, www.bigfootjamboree.org under Events/Kids Day. You can bring it to Double J, Parry’s Market, or Scott Valley Bank who will hang up the pictures until they take them to the River Park, Saturday August 31st? You may also bring it to the park for the Kids Day events. The winning boy and girl will receive a brand new bicycle. So if you have a child 3 to 8 years old, be sure to have them enter the coloring contest.
Winning raffle tickets have some great prizes this year so keep your eye out for the Bigfoot Princesses, the girls selling raffle tickets.
Don’t forget the Community Solutions and Neighborhood Watch Meeting at the Log Schoolhouse on Monday, March 11th. This is an area that we all have a stake in keeping our children drug and alcohol free and keeping our community crime free! Deputy Nye has been a great help and volunteers are needed as are those who will help take the next step at the coming meeting. Call Doreen for more information at FRC 493-5117
Happy Camp Coordinating Council, those hard working volunteers who plan the Bigfoot Jamboree for Labor Day will also be meeting at the Pizza House at 5:30 to make plans.
Narional Volunteer Week isn’t until April 21-27th and I remember when Eddie Davenport was president of the Chamber and each organization gave recognition to their top volunteers at a picnic in the River park. However, any time of year is a good time to thank all our volunteers!!
Whether it be the Grange, Chamber, Family Resource Center, Community Solutions and Neighborhood Watch, or other organizations in Happy Camp; to have our community healthy and growing we all must pitch in and help out where we can.
Are you an active member, the kind that would be missed?
Or are you just contented that your name is on the list?
Do you attend the meetings and mingle with the flock?
Or do you stay at home to criticize and knock?
Do you take an active part to help the work along?
Or are you satisfied to only just belong?
Do you work with your committee and get right in and mix?
Or leave the work to just a few and talk about the cliques?
Think it over, member–you know right from wrong!
Are you an active member or do you just belong?
We’ll have news on the Monday’s meeting on the community page after the meeting.
Happy Camp Coordinating Councils news will be out on the bigfoot jamboree.com page after that meeting also.
Thank you for helping us keep others informed as you let us know what is happening. We appreciate your help in this way.
I apologize that the calendar is not working at present but it will be soon or we will go with a different format for the calendar. Thank you for your patience in the meantime.
Call Chamber 493-2900 weekday afternoons or leave a message on the machine for the next volunteer who comes in. Thank you to all our Klamath Neighbors!!
Grand Prize Winner: Marble Mountain Gift
by Judy Bushy
The grand prize for all of the floats and parade entries in the Bigfoot Jamboree parade was Marble Mountain Gift Co. float. For complete run down of the winners in the Parade click Community Page to the left.
Information on the princesses and Bigfoot Queen Bailei Allec on Yourh & Children page and more pictures on www. bigfootjamboree.com. thank you!
Katherine Crockett entertained at the High School in the opening weeks of school. Read more about her dancing career and visit to Happy Camp News.
The Klamath Writer’s Club with Happy Camp Chamber of Commerce started Dear Mad’m Day last year. Next month is the second annual Dear
Bigfoot Byway update: October is usually the most beautiful time of Autumn to drive our Scenic Byways to Happy Camp. Someone, who had been in Happy Camp for many years, mentioned that they didn’t know that Highway 96 from Happy Camp to Willow Creek is the Bigfoot Scenic Byway, so more on that under Happy Camp History.
Lenny Green was here to sing at the Bigfoot Jamboree. Afterwards, he said, “We had a great time, despite the problems of my singing with so much smoke in the air. We hope to return same day next year.Happy Camp is kind of a very special place …. I know you must love it there. In case you missed it, I have placed a link to your Chamber at http://www.landofthebigfoot.com/byway.htm.
You know that the chamber is at happycampchamber.org but you will want to go there and hear Lenny sing about the Bigfoot Scenic Byway!
Thank you for your interest in Happy Camp. With the Goff Fire finally contained, skies have cleared. There is a crisp coolness these mornings, but the garden is still keeping us tremendously busy with beans, tomatoes, peppers and such! Such a bountiful harvest again this year. It’s a wonderful time of year to enjoy along the beautiful wild Klamath River.