Thanks for Community Thanksgiving Dinner!!

Happy Camp Community Thanksgiving

bu Judy Bushy
Hope that you enjoyed a good time for Thanksgiving! Whether we are home, with few, or travel to a large family gathering or get together with friends, there are always blessings for which we can be grateful and give thanks. I’m so grateful for a girl, young lady formerly from Happy Camp, who is making me some handmade cards to thank people! There is always so much to be thankful for!!

Some people in Happy Camp went out of their way to help others have a wonderful Thanksgiving! Nell Sakota and her crew made a delicious dinner of turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes with gravy, cranberries, sweet potatoes, rolls and then a variety of desserts, beverages. I’ve probably left off something, but it was all so very good!

Besides they were cooking for lots of people as it was a community Thanksgiving Dinner. Her helpers, Yukon Sakota signed in neighbors arriving, Deputy Garrison was serving deviled eggs; Molly Sakota, Dave, Bamboo, and Nell were also serving. Officer Monday also helped serve turkey to our neighbors. The Happy Camp Community Center provided funds and the Karuk Tribe the gathering place. Thank you to all who made this Community Thanksgiving Dinner possible, and all who took time to join the others to visit and share in the wonderful friendly meal!

We hope you had a memorable Thanksgiving, and are gathering more stories for your memoir, or just to remember and tell to your grandchildren in days to come.

What’s for Birthday, Cat?

Do you ever wonder what to get for someone special for their birthday??
Cat Haskell is very fortunate! Her sister and a friend gave her a wonderful birthday present recently. It is lovely!

They painted a beautiful moonlit mural on her home. It is the perfect setting to sit among the trees in the quiet evening and enjoy the scene of the moon over the river!

Happy Birthday Cat!

ARTISTS ON THE RIVER: Gloria Chappelear

Gloria Chappelear Paintings

By Marilyn Townsend

Rivers inspire the hidden artist in ordinary people, proving they are not really ordinary. Or extraordinary people are irresistibly drawn to rivers to express their artistic natures, maybe both. My river is teeming with artists.
The Klamath is my river. I own the Klamath; the Klamath owns me. That’s how it goes. Let me tell you about an artist on my river.
Gloria Chappelear lives on the Klamath River. Right on it. When the river floods, her vegetable garden is under several feet of water. Since 1964, Gloria has lived on the Klamath and painted the woods, and trees, and people that surround her.
Gloria was born in 1934 in South Dakota, to a mother who was a painter, and father who farmed a rented section of land on the Sioux Indian Rosebud Reservation. There they farmed and raised seven daughters. Some of her mother’s paintings grace the walls of the house on the Klamath. Gloria attended the University of Iowa, majoring in art education.
She moved to Happy Camp in 1964, with two children, and three more children were added to her home. She has lived in Alturas, Tulelake, and Lake Tahoe, always returning to Happy Camp; even after a short time in Arizona, Happy Camp called her back.
During all this time, she painted, persevering even when one child tried to eat the yellow paint. She painted church nursery walls, and illustrations for church and Sunday school lessons. Gloria has taught art in the elementary school and was an art instructor for a while at COS.
She does plein-aire painting with her best friend Dian Hokanson, and paints from her own photographs, and photos borrowed from friends. Many of Gloria’s paintings are of the forest and individual trees, because “they’re always there.” But she paints portraits and rodeos, and zoo animals, and any subject that captures her spirit. The poet in her names the paintings. “Tenacious”, and “Old Timer” are trees, and “Modern Madonna” is her daughter with a grandchild.
Like many artists, Gloria has more than one area of expertise. One of her arts is woodworking. She builds her own furniture and carves it, and paints the carvings. No need to build something functional without making it also beautiful. And she improves on the gingerbread houses in the magazines because they forget to make the shingles overlap; being a woodworker she knows all shingles overlap!
As if this were not enough, she quilts, bakes her own bread, and makes the most delicious cookies. She raises her own vegetables, and keeps chickens for eggs.
When asked why she paints, she struggles with an answer. After talking about composition, and the path the eye travels with good composition, she finally says she paints “to remember things…because I love to.” And then it all comes out. With a feisty grin she says she paints because ”I’m gettin’ good at it!” That’s humility. She’s been more than good for decades. Now she is approaching her own standards of excellence, which are high indeed.

Marilyn Townsend can be contacted at
Gloria Chappelear can be contacted at
(530) 493-2713


Artists on the River: Gloria Chappelear

Have a Blessed, Garbage FREE Day!!

At this glad time of year when there is so much celebration with Hanukkah and Christmas and all they bring, sometimes sadness creeps in, like the Grinch that stole Christmas. Sometimes there are sad memories or missing loved ones who are far away now, but that is usually balanced with the happy and joyous memories of Christmas past.

However, should sad things come along that might ruin the celebration, remember the Rule of the Garbage Truck applies. A recent e-mail explained that “many people are like garbage trucks, they run around full of garbage, full of frustration, full of anger and disappointment.

As their garbage piles up, they need a place to dump it and sometimes they’ll dump it on you. Don’t take it personally, Just smile, wave, wish them well and move on.

Don’t take their garbage and spread it to other people at work, at home or on the streets of Happy Camp.

The bottom line is that successful people do not let garbage trucks take over their day. Life’s too short to wake up in the morning with regrets.

So Love the people who treat you right. Pray for the ones who don’t. Life is 10% what you make it and 90% how you take it. Have a blessed, garbage-free day!”

It’s the Most Wonderful Place in the World!

Happy Camp is a friendly little town at the top of California. It is a beautiful place. Some, like Dennis,  say it is a majestic place. The wild Klamath River winds its way from Oregon to the Coast surrounded by evergreen forests beneath a beautiful azure blue sky. Last trip down the river there were several foxes crossing the road, which I like to see, and a skumk which I’d rather avoid. In the past we have seen many black tail deer, elk, moutain lion, and bear. Squirrels, raccoons, rabbits, and ringtails can also be seen. In the past, we used to watch the water for frolicing otters but I haven’t seen any lately.

 What we don’t see many of, is people. Oh, there are a few cars, a few homes, and sometimes people in various modes of travel, hiking, bicycling, motorcycling or driving down the highway. Sometimes you can see a person or a group in a canoe, kayak, raft or driftboat on the River.

 The thing that makes this beautiful part of creation the most wonderful place in the World is the volunteerism of the community. When we work together, we can accomplish anything!! The Grange and others in the community built our River Park, a wonderful place to gather with friends for quiet times, or festive events, for the neighbors in Happy Camp. Why even getting a high school in the depression seemed impossible from all points of view. With land and logs donated and lots of labor from the community, a two room log high school was built and served the educational needs for some years, until expansion was needed with the current high school on Indian Creek Road.

 The Family Reseource Center has a gigantic need for volunteers in many areas of service that they provide. For little kids they can use people to teach arts and crafts, or offer books to the youngsters. For families they offer family nights and parenting classes. For our neighbors with the green thumbs they are launching a fabulous new community garden. It will be a great opprotunity to learn and grow food and flowers for many good purposes. They also work together with the Happy Seniors for advice on what the senior citizens of our community need. They can use drivers right now since many of the seniors need rides to medical appointments both here in town and out of town. 

 What do you have to offer? What do you think needs to be done? What is keeping us from all working together to achieve the goals and objectives that will bring about the best possible community for our children, our families and every individual living in this wonderful Place?  

That is what this New Year, 2010, stretches before us with possibilities. Let’s work together and accomplish great things!

Chief Daniel Packer Honored, Mourned

 A sunrise memorial service had been held in honor of Chief Daniel Packer at the Ukonom Complex Incident Command Post in Orleans in the morning. Over a thousand firefighters attended to honor the fallen firefighter who died in the line of duty. Many more attended services in Happy Camp that evening.

  Chief Packer was from Washington, the East Pierce Fire & Rescue. He was preparing to take over duties of division supervision on the Panther Fire, 15 miles south of Happy Camp in rural Siskiyou County, California.  He was an experienced and able firefighter, but while Packer was scouting the fire, the wind shifted and the fire blew over him.

 Each and every firefighter that comes to fight fires in our neck of the woods does so in peril of his life. We dare not take lightly the courage and valiant honor of these firefighters.

Tributes to Chief Packer mentioned his courage, service and commitment, as is true of many of our heroes fighting wildfires in the forest but some especially noted his faith, compassion and humility.  

We pray that God will bless and comfort the Packer family and his friends and comrades on the fire line who have our deepest sympathy.  Chief Packer is among those heroes who selfishly give of themselves for their fellowmen, and his sacrifice will not be forgotten.

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