Outdoor Family Fun and hikes around Happy Camp!

After climbing the Town Trail, you get to rest at the top at a picnic table, and enjoy this beautiful view of Happy Camp, California
by Judy Bushy
The beautiful little town of Happy Camp is a very well kept secret! The theme has always been Outdoor Family fun! This area along the Klamath River certainly lives up to that.
We traveled 729 miles this week within three days, leaving Thursday and coming home Saturday. The one best thing about a grandparents Christmas is the joy in seeing the tykes and getting all those hugs! At the same time, t was good to get back to the quiet forest, and be able to find the post office, and be close to home!! Reminders of how nice it is to live in Happy Camp, among our Klamath Neighbors!. Only thing better would be if all the children and grandkids could be airlifted in on a regular basis and not so very far away.
Earlier in the week, Jeff Ellison at the Happy Camp District of the Klamath National Forest shared news about new signs. Signs have been added along Highway 96 to welcome visitors to our community. . The Forest service has new signs that help travelers know where to go for information and restrooms. CalTrans has added the information that the Road over the hill goes to 199 the Redwood Highway, in only 38 miles, but that snow isn’t cleared in winter.
That is vitally important for travelers not accustomed to our area. Just the week or so before there was a case of a couple and children and dog who followed their GPS up the road from the Oregon side of the mountain. They got stuck. There was no cell service. They had to spend overnight there, but thankfully, were fine when rescued the next day. They were happy that even though they didn’t have cell phone service, 911 works anyway!!
Jeff is the Recreation expert at the local Forest Service office. He also shared a wonderful new handout for visitors to our area. Not only does it welcome them but shares the ample opportunity’s for everyone, boating, fishing, swimming, biking, the museum, recreational mining, scenic drives and the hikes. The community river Walk is a nice easy hike with an interpretive information following along the Klamath River.
Then there are the moderate hikes, up Town Trail, Elbow Springs, Elk Creek up at Sulphur Springs, Fort Goff, Grider Creek and the Benjamin Creek Trail going from just over a mile to five and a half miles. For more strenuous trails one can follow clear Creek into the Siskiyou Wilderness over 23 miles from which I’ve seen beautiful photos taken. The Bear Lake Trailhead is also nearly three miles climbing into the Marble Mountains to the Pacific Crest Trail.
Come to think of it, one who wanted a very long strenuous trail (for months) to take the Pacific Crest Trail to Mexico or to Canada. And to think that it all is available right here in Happy Camp. One can start with the easy, move up to the moderate and end up hiking for an extended summer vacation!
Thanks to Jeff for all the helpful information to share with travelers who contact the Happy Camp Chamber of Commerce all the time. They keep us busy answering letters, e-mails and phone calls!