Klamath River Writers

Wild Klamath Writer’s Club

The first meeting of the Wild Klamath Writer’s Club will be held on January 17, 2002 at 3 pm at the Bear Cove Cabins. If you’re a writer, or you’ve dreamed about becoming one, you’re welcome to attend! For more information please phone Judy Bushy.

Follup Up Article:

Klamath River Writers

The first meeting of the Klamath River Writers, on January 17 in Happy Camp, was a great success. Six writers gathered at the Bear Cove Cabins. They represented a broad spectrum of interests including poetry, songwriting, short stories, novels, history and journalism.

“Klamath River Writers” was chosen as the name for the group, with the intention of inviting people from other river communities to join. Advertising will extend from Highway 5 to Orleans along Highway 96.

The writers will start with a collaborative writing project. For the next meeting each writer is invited to bring something to add to an anthology intended for children learning about the Klamath River Valley and it’s people. The entries can be of any genre or format so long as they are intended for children under the age of about twelve.

If you’re a writer, or you’ve dreamed of becoming one, you’re welcome to attend the next meeting, planned for Monday, February 11. Phone Judy Bushy, 493-5248, for more information.

A Happy Camp Christmas

2001 Community Christmas Dinner
2001 Community Christmas Dinner

Over 160 people came to dinner
Over 160 people came to the dinner.

Dinner was excellent
Dinner was excellent, as usual. Volunteers did a good job of decorating the old elementary school cafeteria – now the Karuk Community Center.

A good place for friends to meet
A good place for friends to meet.

Volunteer servers stayed busy
Volunteer servers stayed busy this year.

What a great dinner we had!

After weeks of rain and light snowfalls, Christmas in Happy Camp was sunny and unusually warm! We left our firesides to come together at the Karuk Community Center (the old elementary school cafeteria on 2nd Avenue) for another great holiday dinner.

Every Thanksgiving and Christmas for years now, the dinners have provided a community meeting place and food for anyone who wants it. While it gives us a wonderful alternative to the traditional family dinner for those who are far from their loved ones, or who might not have a family, it also is welcomed by Happy Campers who just want to be with the people who live in our town, remote as it is from the rest of the world.

Dinner is traditional. There’s always a turkey, dressing, ham, mashed potatoes, yams, green beans and corn, cranberry sauce and bread. At Thanksgiving we had green salad – this time someone made a big pink jello salad with marshmallows. A variety of beverages were served on a side table and at least three types of pies were served for dessert.

Outside, children played on the lawn and dogs waited for their owners, while a few adults chatted with one another in the sunshine.

These holiday dinners are very much appreciated. May they continue for many years to come!

Helen and Wilson Forbes with Coreen Davis and Scott Hampson
Helen and Wilson Forbes chat with musicians
Coreen Davis and her husband, Scott Hampson

Rae Walker and her daughter, Savannah
Rae Walker and her daughter, Savannah
helped serve the pies: pumpkin, peach and mincemeat.

Prize money: $100 will go to the winner of the Logo Contest!

Prize money: $100 will go to the winner of the 2002 River Run Logo Contest!

The Happy Camp Chamber of Commerce is sponsoring a logo contest for the 2002 River Run event. This event brings motorcycle enthusiasts from all over the west coast to Happy Camp for a weekend in July.

The logo contest is open to all artists. Entries must be submitted to the Chamber of Commerce by January 15, 2002.

Seven Simple Computer Security Tips

From the National Ifrastructure Protection Center:

1. Use strong passwords. Choose passwords that are difficult or impossible to guess. Give different passwords to all accounts.

2. Make regular backups of critical data. Backups must be made at least once each day. Larger organizations should perform a full backup weekly and incremental backups every day. At least once a month the backup media should be verified.

3. Use virus protection software. That means three things: having it on your computer in the first place, checking daily for new virus signature updates, and then actually scanning all the files on your computer periodically.

4. Use a firewall as a gatekeeper between your computer and the Internet. Firewalls are usually software products. They are essential for those who keep their computers online through the popular DSL and cable modem connections but they are also valuable for those who still dial in.

5. Do not keep computers online when not in use. Either shut them off or physically disconnect them from Internet connection.

6. Do not open e-mail attachments from strangers, regardless of how enticing the Subject Line or attachment may be. Be suspicious of any unexpected e-mail attachment from someone you do know because it may have been sent without that person’s knowledge from an infected machine.

7. Regularly download security patches from your software vendors.

Christmas Craft Sale – 2001

Are you hoping to find some unique gifts for friends and family this Christmas season? If so, you should check out the annual Christmas Craft Sale at the Grange Hall. This year it will take place on December 5, 2001, starting at 8 am. Tables are available to sellers for $5. The traditional homemade bread and soup will be served.

The annual Christmas Craft Sale, held in the Grange Hall, is a long-standing Happy Camp holiday tradition.

2001 Fire Season Totals for the Klamath National Forest

The Bridge at Clear Creek
The Bridge at Clear Creek

After an abnormally dry summer, rainstorms have begun to refresh the forest around us. Most of California has reached low fire danger status, but the Forest Service lists the Klamath National Forest as still having a moderate danger of fire as of November 1, 2001.

There have been a total of 227 fires so far this year in our forest. They burned 10,122 acres. Most of the fires, 200 of them, were started by lightning strikes. The remaining 27 fires were started by human error.

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