Brave Heart WestCoast in Yreka

Dennis Day mentioned that he had been to an event Saturday in Yreka where featured speakers were Sheriff John Lopey, Jim Wilson and Paul Crites. “They all, dynamically with eloquence , offered heartfelt inspiration. I appreciate having the right and privilege to speak out and reiterate that : “It is time to rise up , folks,” These speakers did not just hope for a transformation , they all offered profound insights from which to proceed, according to Dennis. We in Siskiyou county are especially fortunate to have a Sheriff – the Caliber of John Lopey. His talk was uplifting and encouraging. The other featured speakers followed suit. All were dynamic and eloquent, and the music was joyful.

This event was presented by BRAVE HEART WEST COAST. These Inspired Mavericks not only would like to see a renewal – a restoration and a rebuilding of a great Vision, but also sincerely believe that it is our natural birthright to reclaim it. They all displayed faith and trust in the fruition of such a Vision. It was a great honor to have attended! …. ,” according to Dennis. Sheriff Lopey will also be in Happy Camp for the next government to government Coordination meeting next Monday at the Grange.

There will also be a meeting at the Grange in coming days with Department of Fish and Game and other speakers who will explain some fish situations. It is a hallmark of Happy Camp that we all care deeply about our natural world and appreciate the wild country in which we live. that is why most of us moved here, not for prosperity, or entertainment, but for the same things that people around the world come here to see as they raft the Klamath, bike our highways, and backpack our wilderness!

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