Chamber Annual Meeting March 11, 2011
March 1, 2011 Minutes
Dinah called the meeting to order and Kirk was asked to open in prayer.
Dinah expressed appreciation for Cathleen Searle and all she has done.
Minutes of February meeting were lost on Cats computer crash and will be recovered later.
James gave Treasurer’s report which is also on the Web Site with copies of bank statements. (Linda Martin has volunteered to help with the Web Site) Balance is $1,399 plus membership tonight is additional. Working balance (undesignated) is $1,195.70. Holy Smoke and Pizza House have sent in membership most recently.
Director’s comments: Terri thanked Dinah for her work with the Chamber.
Advertising Committee: James reported on the three-fold brochure the committee is working on.with map of Happy Camp and Directory of all Chamber members listed
Chicks with Sticks on 96 are working out when weather is rainy at 9 a.m. at Forest Lodge (FLM.)
Director of Year Award was presented to Dinah for her courage and good heart to do what’s right even when the situation was difficult!
Votes were Counted: Nominated and receiving votes to serve on the board of directors were: James Buchner, :Linda Martin, Cathleen Searle, Rosemary Boren, Judy Bushy, Montine Blevins, Roberta Lantow, Terri Winslow, Roberta (Bobi) Arneson and Ray Arneson, Lou Tiraterra, Sr, also volunteered to do any legal research or help.
Present at the meeting were Dinah Sulipeck, Cathleen Searle, James Buchner, Rosemary Boren, Mel, Kirk Eadie, Montine Blevins, Terri Winslow, Linda Martin, Ray & Bobi Arneson, Lydia Elston, Dolly Elston, Wayne Elston, Roberta & Ron Lantow, Lou Tiraterra Sr. Roberta Collum, Nena Creasy, and Judy Bushy.
Directly Following the Annual Meeting, ten new directors met to decide upon the officers for the coming year to March 31, 2012.
James nominated Cathleen for President., Vice President is Rosemary Boren. Treasurer will conyinue to be James Buchner. Linda agreed to be the secretary as well as keep the Website. Judy to assist with the minutes. Ray & Bobi , Roberta, Montine, and Terri Winslow are the general directors.
April monthly meeting will be in the evening of Tuesday, April 5th
Lou advised that the Bylaws should be updated and changed in any way that the Directors would like. Only things that can’t be changed are like the Franchise Tax Board, and other legal requirements.
Membership Committee– Rosemary volunteered
Suggested that we need a committee to raise funds.
An additional meeting was suggested that would prepare for the April 5th meeting and will be March 15th. Montine will check and see if the Elk Creek Campground Recreation Room is available for that meeting.
It was suggested that we have December and January off, after the Community Tree Lighting.
April 9th is the next meeting of the Advertising committee at Pizza House, who is a member.
Come prepared on March15th with 5 things you want to see the Chamber do for the Community in the coming year. Also discuss VISION of bringing business to businesses in our community and how to implement vision at that time.