Fun & Royalty for Basketball Homecoming!!

Princesses (back to front) Cassidy Little escorted by Travis Ward, Gaby Ward escorted by Casey Tiraterra, Emily Parry escorted by Sean McDowell, Sydney Snider escorted by Barrett Harrison. before the coronation event.
Friday evening, our basketball teams played those from Tulelake. Then when the games were done, cakes were raffled, and games were completed, came the coronation of the Homecoming King and Queen. Calya Hammon filled in for last year’s Homecoming Queen and Justin Wright, who was last year’s Homecoming King and they crowned the new royalty for this year, Gabriella “Gabby” Ward and Ryan Parry.
The Royal Homecoming Court were Freshmen; Sydney Snider escorted by Barrett Harrison, Mitch Hokanson with Frankie Snider, Sophmore Emily Parry escorted by Sean McDowell, John Cook with Joselynn “Jossie” Hillenburg, Junior Gabriella “Gaby” Ward escorted by Casey Tiraterra, Ryan Parry with Julia Hansack, Senior Cassidy Little escorted by Travis Ward, and Justin Blacketer.with Bridget Koons. What a fun evening with the young men and ladies dressed up and looking immensely handsome and beautiful!
The thoughts and prayers of all the staff and students were cheering on Ms. Dorie who was in Portland for medical care