Happy Camp, CA from the Town Trail

Happy Camp’s Town Trail

It is surprising how many people you’ll meet on Happy Camp’s Town Trail. When we hike the trail, we nearly always run into someone. It may be Forest Service employees getting into shape for backwoods exertion, teachers, friends, or teenagers.

A view of Happy Camp, California - from the top of the town trail, on the south side of the Klamath River.

After climbing the Town Trail, you get to rest at the top at a picnic table, and enjoy this beautiful view of Happy Camp, California

The funniest was when two horses came up the trail complete with riders. Our dog had never seen a horse before and was so frightened he hid behind us.

It takes me almost an hour to get to the end of the trail – all uphill. When I arrive, there’s a picnic table to sit at and the beautiful view of Happy Camp to look at. It is well-worth the climb.

To get to the Town Trail, cross the Elk Creek Bridge to the south side of the Klamath River in Happy Camp. It is about a mile to the Town Trail sign on Elk Creek Road where you can park and start hiking. Hiking is a great way to lose weight and stay in shape. Take lots of water, especially on hot summer days.


  • Jayne Guiducci

    Soon I would like to hike
    the town Trail. I have lived
    in Happy Camp 7 months. However , I have not hiked
    up the town trail yet.
    Thanks for the idea.

  • Editor

    Welcome to Happy Camp, Jayne. I hope you enjoy your hike up the town trail, and the beautiful view at the top.

  • I love seeing those pictures of Happy Camp that help me visualize the entire town as it has grown from the historical Happy Camp you wrote about in River Girl. I wish I could still hike trails that aren’t level.

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