June 4,2013 Meeting of the HC Chamber
Dolly called the June meeting of the Happy Camp Chamber of Commerce to order at 6:20pm as Bob Schmalzbach was out of town. Those present were: Dolly Elston, James Buchner, Dan Effman, Judy Bushy and Rosemary Boren and we had a quorum.
Secretary read the minutes of the May meeting. James made a motion to accept the minutes as read, minutes passed unanimously
Bob sent a message showing the May 31st balance in the Scott Valley Bank account is $629.24. We have a deposit yet to make of Parry’s and Marble Mountain Gifts memberships, book sales etc. and quarterly rent is due as well as June utilities. We will take minutes and letter concerning signatures on the account to Scott Valley Bank as soon as all board members are available. Dolly found out that Bob, Dolly and Judy already have signatures at the bank in the meantime.
Art & Treasure is Saturday. Cat handed out mini-fliers in Scott Valley last weekend. Klamath River Community Hall is having a Flea Market. Horse Creek Community Church is having rummage sale and huge Bake Sale, and the Happy Camp Grange is having Indoor & Outdoor Yard Sales as well as multifamily Yard Sales, individual sales and moving sales. Dan, Dolly, Rich and a lady from Elk Creek is planning to be at Bigfoot Corner. Dan will sell raffle tickets and RTK tickets. Nonmembers can be asked to donate from successful sales.
Rosemary mentioned that a phone number is wrong on the Bulletin Boards and Secretary will check them for accuracy.
James reported that the Rockin’ the Klamath tickets have come and presented an invoice for reimbursement of $90.24. Judy made a motion, Dan 2nd it, James abstained and the balance vote was unanimous. Fairchild Medical Center, Klamath River Resort Inn, Happy Camp News, Parry’s Market and River Connection Realty, Forest Lodge Motel and perhaps another will be sponsors for $100 each receiving 10 tickets, and a booth at the event. James will talk to Mr. Hahn about security, and Dan Falkenstein about portapottis. Judy will ask Alan Dyar about being Master of Ceremonies.
Friends of Dear Mad’m will commence picking up litter along the adopted highway shortly after the ride with Ryan Gomes on June 19th.
We had a request from EGG (Economic Growth Group) to have training on bicycle tourism. We will check with others, Beth Buchanan, Jon Graunbaum and Jody Waddell and if they are interested in attending will see about arranging a meeting, perhaps at the Forest Service.
Dan would like to see us plan the Street Fair. Al’s band would play at his place, we would charge nominally for nonprofit booths and Davis Road was suggested as long as people could get to Parry’s etc. Memorial Day Weekend 2014 was suggested.
Next meeting is July 2 at 6 at the Chamber Office.
The meeting was adjourned at 7:20