Highlights of the 3rd Annual Dear Mad’m Days!

Jess Haun, a new teacher in town, presented Judy from Eureka with the basket of homemade jellies and handmade articles after the trivia quiz on Dear Mad’m.
The third annual Dear Mad’m Day event was full of fun, good food and celebrating Dear Mad’m October 11-13, 2013.
Besides the delightful evening Campfire at the Klamath River Resort Inn and Rafting Lodge there were such great fun activities for the 3rd Annual Dear Mad’m Days in Happy Camp this weekend. We were so happy that the weather was glorious and the beauty along the River Road fabulous.
Friday night Barbara Brown hosted a wonderful get together at Naturegraph Publishers. It was great to have Pete and Liz Lizmer with us again. Pete is Stella’s great-nephew and it is Stella Patterson’s book “Dear Mad’m” that we are celebrating. Pete and Liz wrote “Dear Mad’ Who Was She” and both books are available from Naturegraph or many places locally including the Happy Camp Chamber of Commerce who sponsors this event along with the Klamath Writer’s Group and a committee consisting of James Buchner, Karen Tulledo, Norma Seaman and myself.
We were so happy to have Jess Haun leading the program for the Luncheon Symposium at the Karuk-Headway Building. The most fun was a trivia contest, and the winner of the answers was Judy from Eureka. Cindy Trobitz-Thomas acquainted us with “Big Jim” Patterson whose Ranch was in Willow Creek and was Stella’s second husband. It was great to have them share and to learn more from Pete and Liz what they have learned about mysteries we still wonder about. Norma Seaman donated a basket of homemade jams and jellies: Klamath Plum, Blackberry and others as well as hand knit washcloths with unique designs.
The lunch was cooked by Bonnie Alvarez and as usual she did a fantastic job in the kitchen assisted by Audrey Henke and Alyssa Titus. The Happy Senior ladies topped it all off with their homemade pies! Delicious! We didn’t have much room for refreshments at the evening fireside after that, but it was such a nice time although some didn’t attend due to the previous rain showers.
Sunday morning Pancake Breakfast was also delicious. You’ll think we did nothing but eat delicious foods all weekend, but the pleasant company for visiting over the good food was most wonderful.
We sang Happy Birthday to Dolly Elston. Bob Seaman sang the “Outhouse Song” and we discovered that he has hidden talents and worked entertaining for USO previous to teaching in Happy Camp and knowing much history of the area. Aaron Martin was the photographer for the guided History of Happy Camp Tour up Second Avenue and down Buckhorn to the Cemetery where we found Fred Crooks’, “Dear Sir” from the story, marker.
After that walk we went down to the former site of the Dear Mad’m cabin. Karen Tulledo shared with us her explorations and observations of the Ferry Point Area. After the regular tour, we even went down to Browns’ Creek to enjoy the flowers and checked out the view of Siskiyou Mine from Independence Bridge.
By that time it was time to bid adieu and get back to town. I wish friendly fun events like this happened more often in Happy Camp and that more of you had joined us and enjoyed the fun. Maybe next time
Please add my name and email to your list. I attended the festival several years ago and have wondered if there would be another. I, too, have a first edition of dear Mad’m and I regularly place a pot of pansies (smiley faced ones) on Stella’s burial site at Lawncrest in Redding. I have also done some research for the Lismers regarding Stella’s last residence with her foster daughter, here in Redding. Sherry Miller