Klamath Siskiyou Art Center News

Alan sent this note to all you art fans. patrons of the arts and artists,

Hey Everyone,

Looks like we are heading into an Jam Packed and Incredible string of weekly Friday dinners and Events,

Starting this Friday, July 20th at 6 pm, Jessica Lattanzio is cooking a Luscious Lasagna Dinner with Tasty Homemade Garlic Bread and a Utterly Glorious Garden Salad freshly picked for you by Florance Condos and a hearty round of refreshing cold drinks to relax into.

Then, the next week on July 27th at 6 pm, Florance and I will be serving up everyone’s favorite- Freshly Grilled Humboldt Grass Fed Burgers or Veggie Burgers with Fire Roasted Chilies, Grilled Onions and Homemade Spicy Red Chili Sauce. And of course the Art Center’s World Famous Garden Salad.

And when you thought we could do no more… A Wood Chip Clay and Roundwood Pole Building Workshop is Planned for Sunday July 29th with more details to come so stay tuned and look for the flyers around town!

But wait there’s even more-

Friday, August 3rd the Art Center is proud to announce a breath taking Sweet and Savory Breakfast For Dinner put together by Nora Hannapel with Pancakes topped in blackberries and delicious toppings, Bacon and sausage fruit salad and fresh Orange juice and other fun Beverages.

Hope you all can make it to some or all , it’s a glorious cause for the creative future of the Klamath River Communities and perhaps even the world,

See ya,

Alan Crockett

Art & Treasure Weekend 2012 best yet!

Second weekend in June is Art& Treasure Weekend along the wild and scenic Klamath River. We enjoyed many visitors to town, from Collinsville and Cottonwood to Grants Pass. The Greyback Road over the hill was open. Many came from Takilma and Cave Junction, Grants Pass and Medford for the Art & Treasure Weekend. There were thirteen who had ads on the Siskiyou Daily News announcement that brought people down the Klamath River. There were at least four more yard sales, a barn sale, an estate sale, flea market, Gardening sale at Parry’s and other unannounced activities also.

Highlight in Happy Camp was the Library Fair!! I always love looking at the books as they have such a great choice for summer reading at these things. They also had a raffle and some of the items our crafts people made were wonderful!

Barbara Farrell reported that Klamath River Community Hall Had a fabulous day yesterday….”we had about 15 vendors, either crafts people or flea marketers. Fabulous entries in our Art Show. Great food sales….all in all a wonderful day. Probably the best opportunity to work together and get better acquinted!”

Thank you, Cathleen Searle, for all the work you did on this event, especially running all over Scott Valley the preceding weekend to spread the news. Thanks to all who went in every direction putting up the fliers and posters and all who participated, sellers and customers!

It was a beautiful day for the event and we had a great time visiting with all our visitors. All out Klamath Neighbors make this such a great place to live!

River Girl Published by Local Author, Linda Jo Martin

River Girl, by Linda Jo Martin, is a historic novel about a girl growing up in the Klamath River Valley near Happy Camp, California.

Newly published story, River Girl
Buy at Amazon

River Girl has recently been published! It is so exciting to have a brand new book published by Linda Jo Martin of Happy Camp.

Linda writes novels in her spare time and this is for young girls and teens. It is a story of a young girl who comes to Happy Camp in the 1920’s. Although it is fiction, Linda takes her historical research very seriously!

It is most of all a very good story and I enjoyed it very much. It’s a lovely way for a young girl to enjoy a quiet summer afternoon reading!

It is available on Amazon, but you can stop in at Marble Mountain Gift Company and get a copy or at the Happy Camp Chamber of Commerce office weekdays. For further information on the book or the author see http://rivergirlclaire.com/.

What’s for Birthday, Cat?

Do you ever wonder what to get for someone special for their birthday??
Cat Haskell is very fortunate! Her sister and a friend gave her a wonderful birthday present recently. It is lovely!

They painted a beautiful moonlit mural on her home. It is the perfect setting to sit among the trees in the quiet evening and enjoy the scene of the moon over the river!

Happy Birthday Cat!

ARTISTS ON THE RIVER: Gloria Chappelear

Gloria Chappelear Paintings

By Marilyn Townsend

Rivers inspire the hidden artist in ordinary people, proving they are not really ordinary. Or extraordinary people are irresistibly drawn to rivers to express their artistic natures, maybe both. My river is teeming with artists.
The Klamath is my river. I own the Klamath; the Klamath owns me. That’s how it goes. Let me tell you about an artist on my river.
Gloria Chappelear lives on the Klamath River. Right on it. When the river floods, her vegetable garden is under several feet of water. Since 1964, Gloria has lived on the Klamath and painted the woods, and trees, and people that surround her.
Gloria was born in 1934 in South Dakota, to a mother who was a painter, and father who farmed a rented section of land on the Sioux Indian Rosebud Reservation. There they farmed and raised seven daughters. Some of her mother’s paintings grace the walls of the house on the Klamath. Gloria attended the University of Iowa, majoring in art education.
She moved to Happy Camp in 1964, with two children, and three more children were added to her home. She has lived in Alturas, Tulelake, and Lake Tahoe, always returning to Happy Camp; even after a short time in Arizona, Happy Camp called her back.
During all this time, she painted, persevering even when one child tried to eat the yellow paint. She painted church nursery walls, and illustrations for church and Sunday school lessons. Gloria has taught art in the elementary school and was an art instructor for a while at COS.
She does plein-aire painting with her best friend Dian Hokanson, and paints from her own photographs, and photos borrowed from friends. Many of Gloria’s paintings are of the forest and individual trees, because “they’re always there.” But she paints portraits and rodeos, and zoo animals, and any subject that captures her spirit. The poet in her names the paintings. “Tenacious”, and “Old Timer” are trees, and “Modern Madonna” is her daughter with a grandchild.
Like many artists, Gloria has more than one area of expertise. One of her arts is woodworking. She builds her own furniture and carves it, and paints the carvings. No need to build something functional without making it also beautiful. And she improves on the gingerbread houses in the magazines because they forget to make the shingles overlap; being a woodworker she knows all shingles overlap!
As if this were not enough, she quilts, bakes her own bread, and makes the most delicious cookies. She raises her own vegetables, and keeps chickens for eggs.
When asked why she paints, she struggles with an answer. After talking about composition, and the path the eye travels with good composition, she finally says she paints “to remember things…because I love to.” And then it all comes out. With a feisty grin she says she paints because ”I’m gettin’ good at it!” That’s humility. She’s been more than good for decades. Now she is approaching her own standards of excellence, which are high indeed.

Marilyn Townsend can be contacted at
Gloria Chappelear can be contacted at
(530) 493-2713


Artists on the River: Gloria Chappelear

Art Gallery Friday Dinner for August 26th

Alan Crockett’s excited to let you in on the next incredible evening coming up this friday, the 26th at 6 pm.

First, immerse yourself in a new Art Show- MYENACA- featuring the combined artworks of Myanna Nielson , Nena Creasy, and Veronica Rasmussen. A blockbuster of a show with works in a multitude of mediums that are sure to astound!

Then feast on a masterful multilayered dinner crafted by the legendary Nyomi Rivera-
Chicken in Mole Poblano Sauce
with a Veggie Option of Stuffed Peppers in Mole Poblano Sauce
Grilled Zucchini with Pesto
Corn Fritters with Honey Butter
and a Green Salad with Summer Veggies and Dressing
and can you believe it- Fresh Fruit Shortcake for Dessert

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