Happy Camp Chamber Annual Meeting
by Judy E Bushy
First Tuesday, March 1st is the TRADITIONAL date for annual meeting of the Happy Camp Chamber of commerce. Last year we couldn’t meet due to Covid. This year must be postponed a bit. This is also time for the election of members to the Chamber Board. Active volunteers to fill the positions of president and treasurer are needed. Members should get nominations in as soon as possible.
In early 1991, our representatives had a conference with Representative Brian Dahl. Another Chamber participating said they had promised their members that no one would be taken off the membership list during the pandemic for not paying fees! Our Chamber voted to extend this grace to our members as well.
Recently the events, Rollin’ on the River, Music Festivals and others haven’t been able to be held.
The Happy Camp Directory needs to be reprinted as updated! That’s another reason to get your investment in quickly! We want it up to date and we want to be sure your Happy Camp business will be well represented! Also, information on Happy Camp, recreations, food and lodging opportunities is sent to tourists who inquire and we need to keep these up to date and add new literature.
There are historic plaques that need placing. The Native Sons of the Golden West found that Happy Camp is the oldest continuous American Settlement in Siskiyou County and gave us a plaque. We are awaiting permission to install a plaque at “Dear Mad’ms” cabin site too!
Many have requested celebrating Stella Walthall Patterson’s book, “Dear Mad’m” again. Even though Naturegaph Publishers was burned and the inventory of books destroyed, Naturegraph has been able to resume publishing of the book “Dear Mad’m” by Stella Patterson and we are very grateful.
Editing Happy Camp Story for publishing is also going on.Compiling the writings of many Happy Campers has been a joy, and we only wish we could include more. This project began when residents lost so many pictures and keepsakes of Happy Camp. We wanted to give them a memento with memories.
Your suggestions are always welcome as well. A new event or ribbon cutting for new business would be wonderful. Many hands make light work and all willing hands are welcome.