Happy New Year in Happy Camp!!
We go back to school January 6th. Half of the vacation time is over already and it sounds like students have been visiting friends and relatives and fishing and so far only one “boring” complaint…. that I’ve heard.
My sister, Nancy, has a birthday today so I get to call her up to catch up on what’s happening with her children, grandchildren and darling little great grandson. Happy Birthday to Jess Haun, our drama and English teacher at Happy Camp High School also. Belated birthday wishes to Megan Hague and Vickie Simmons also. It’s difficult to have a birthday at these very busy times of the year so wanted to remember them!
Next week will be another busy return to business.. Sunday, will be the Dear Mad’m meeting at 2 o’clock. The 4th annual Dear Mad’m event which honors Stella W. Patterson who wrote Dear Mad’m about moving to a mining cabin by the Klamath River when she was eighty years old, is a combination effort of the Klamath Writer’s Group and the Chamber of Commerce. This year’s event will be May 2-4th. The Writer’s have proposed a Writing contest for all you great storytellers to write your favorite story about Happy Camp! At Sunday’s meeting we will establish the guidelines and then we will be ready to let you know the details and the nice prizes that you may win for your entry into the contest!!
The old year, the year that has been with us for so long, is passing away. A new year, 2013, full of promise and potential is about to begin! What new challenges will the new year bring? What blessings are in store for us?
Tuesday, January 7th is the first meeting of the New year for the Happy Camp Chamber of Commerce. We usually meet at six o’clock at the Chamber of Commerce office 35 Davis Road next to the post office. We will have a special speaker so please call the office 493-2900 if you don’t usually attend and would like to hear about grants available and help that Ore-Cal RC&D can offer to Happy Camp organizations, please let us know. We will have a the Director of the OreCal RC&D with us at that time and we remember how very helpful that they have been to our community in the past.,
Neighborhood Watch and Community Emergency Resource Team (CERT) meeting will be Wednesday, January 15th, so be sure that is on your brand new January calendar and plan to attend. By working together we can turn things around and eliminate the crime from our area. Thanks to those who have had the day long training by Deputy David Nye for patrolling and have been keeping an eye out for suspicious characters! Your help is needed to keep out Klamath River Neighborhood safe and crime free!\
Perhaps you’ve made it a New Years resolution to become more active in our community this year. There are a number of organizations that need volunteers to help make Happy Camp work. they’d welcome you with open arms!!
looking for my friend Butch smith,,,sister Carolyn