Springtime JOYS and Youth
Saturday is the Basket weaving conference. The best part is the field trips to find how to locate some of the materials. I chickened out when Verna took us to places with poison oak but many hike far and wide for the materials to make these beautiful baskets that the Karuk people are famous for making. The theme is Vikaraha-Ipit, Itam-Imaan (basketry – yesterday, today, tomorrow) For further information contact Helene Rouvier at 493-1600.
A few students at the High school went to training at Yosemite. Then there were more going to visit colleges like Berkeley as well as others where they may be interested in pursuing their education. Several came back from the last trip interested in small Dominion College. Now that the countdown to graduation is only about 36 school days things get pretty serious. Serious preparation is taking place for the Star testing right now.
Winners in the down river fishing contest have been announced ad you can see the smiling faces of the winners with their catch on the Parry’s bulletin board. Bobby Perez of Happy Camp got first place with 29”. Sharon O’Connor of Sawyer’s bar got second place with a 271/4”, Dee Tolson of Orleans 26 ½ fish won Third and fourth was Ken Ratuihn of Orleans 281/4”, Tammy Markin got a 15: fish from the bank!!
I always love it when Jayne Guiducci helps our as a volunteer in the Chamber office next to the post office. She rolls up the rug and cleans every corner! She is offering Spring Cleaning, spring everyday! While you are doing your spring cleaning it’s a good time to set aside the items that can bring in a few bucks at your big yard sale on June 8-10 when the Hwy 96 long yard sale takes place from Klamath River to Happy Camp and beyond!! Klamath River Community Hall has it on their calendar; do you have it on yours??
Speaking of Calendars, Chamber is planning for the Rockin the Klamath concert in July. The date is goinh to be moved so that it won’t compete with the Bluegrass festival in Scott Valley if possible.
Before that, Saturday May 19th is Armed Forces Day when General Daniel Hokanson will be speaking here!!!Tim G will be letting us know more details for honoring veterans soon.
Karuk Reunion is August 24th, and so is Seiad Day for our neighbors in Seiad Valley. August 30 to September1 is Bigfoot Jamboree. In Happy Camp which is the best hometown festival around! You won’t want to miss being in Happy Camp for the Labor Day weekend as the dances, games, and parade are always fun!
My. it seems to be a busy summer already! And then we will be looking forward to the 2nd Annual Dear Mad’m Day October 12-14th. The fourteenth of October is really Stella Pattersons actual birthday and Stella Patterson was the writer who experienced all the tales everyone enjoys in Dear Mad’m, her memoir!
Adom, my five month old Aussie puppy is growing to beat the band, When we got him in January he was a red furry baby of only 13 lbs and he has reached 40 lbs now!! His zest for living, which includes jumping up on the bed, digging in the mud in the backyard and always being energetic and ready to play are so delightful. Youthful enjoying life and springtime are such fun to watch.
Royal Blue shares interesting poetry on his morning inspirations radio, and lately he has shared some by Sammy Bucher,who is also an artist of Precious Moments fame, such as:
Don’t worry when you’re growing old, if you’re still young at heart.
Put on a happy face each day, this is the time to start!
Just be thankful for the years that you have lived so long,
Just take good care of you, my friend, and nothing will go wrong
It is a blessing to grow older, it is a privilege denied to many!
Pete and I will be there for Dear Mad’m Day. Our biography of Stella Patterson should be out by then, and we will look forward to participating in the festivities.
Wonderful, Newsy write-up! Thanks for all the information, Judy.