Wouldn’t Community Theater be great!!
by Judy Bushy

Daniel and Paula from Cornerstone Theater Company in Los Angeles joined us at the Pizza House Last Monday
Craig Lighthill, Lilly’s daddy, was making new planter boxes outside the Pizza House where we were meeting. It was amazing how many people came by, Jon Graunbaum, Jeff Elston, and others. Our new real estate lady working with Joe Farris, Francine, came by to welcome Paula and Daniel. We were talking about something where we thought the Community Center might fit and Abby Yeager came in with a son. When I wanted to spell the name of the elementary principal right, in walked EJ Triance to tell me. Dave from the New 49ers Prospecting Club stopped by too. We were grateful for everyone and especially those who stopped by to offer their talents! Obviously, the Pizza House is the place to be and see so many Happy Camper’s!
Visitor Information
Later in the week, stopping by California Welcome Center at Collier’s Rest Area, got a chance to visit with Grace Bennett who was manning the Information desk! It is wonderful to see so many friendly faces this summer!!
Now we also were able to stop by the Anderson California Welcome Center as well. What is your favorite drive or attraction to see this summer. I’m trying to visit everything within a 360 area, mostly Siskiyou County with a bit of expansion to Trinity, Del Norte and Humboldt, and the adjacent counties in Oregon. Your suggestions would be most helpful!! Leave your suggestions at the Happy Camp Chamber Telephone 530-493-2900 if you please!!