This Week in Happy Camp, Homecoming
Wednesday, Sept.13th Junior Back in the Day Day/ School Pictures/Karuk Class 2nd period/ Back to School night/5:00 to 7:00pm/ Powder Puff Game 5pm/ Art’s Scholarship Dinner/ Elementary School Volleyball Game/ Youth Council Conference Planning meeting 2pm/
Thursday, Sept. 14th Senior Color Day
Friday, Sept. 15th Blue and Gold Day/ King and Queen elections during 1st period/
Pep-Rally/ Homecoming Parade 2pm/Homecoming Practice 12:30pm with escorts/ Welcoming Committee/ Singing of the National Anthem/ Football Game /Senior Class Cake Raffle/ Homecoming Ceremony/ Homecoming Dance/ 9pm to 12pm/
Football Gate Dorie and Diane/Football Band from Saied Valley with De Kelner