October Homecoming Royalty

homecoming Royalty, Nikki arrison and Brett Burcell reigned Friday

homecoming Royalty, Nikki arrison and Brett Burcell reigned Friday

October Colors
October colors on the leaves makes beautiful autumn scenes all around happy Camp! Not only is it a perfect time for a drive—either down the State of Jefferson Scenic Byway from I-5 to the east, or Bigfoot Scenic Byway from hwy 299 at Willow Creek The weather is cool and crisp! I love it!

Those of us who haven’t gotten out on those drives really appreciate those who do so with their camera. About four people posted photos on Facebook today and that was delightful! Then there are the photos of the bucks who will be feeding a family venison soon, and those that got away for another day. The bear, cougar, skunks and last night a raccoon tried to hit my car. He wasn’t successful, thank goodness! Son, Stephen told me orange was a good color for me to drive when recommending the Aveo, so perhaps that caused the little masked bandit to miss me!

This is that beautiful time of year with apple pie and pumpkins being gathered for decorating or to make pie too. Sherri shared her pumpkin cookies with chocolate chips last week and now I’ve found the recipe! Dan’s baking Oatmeal raisin cookies and I’m looking forward to turnkey dinner soon.

The kids at Happy Camp High School dressed like animals on Monday, Hillbilly’s on Tuesday, Blast from the Blast on Wednesday for HOMECOMING!! In my day, shortly after the middle ages, we had past decades 20s 30’s 40s or 50s to choose from…now they add 70s, 80s, and 90s to the millennium to the mix!. Wednesday was also Powder Puff game. Thursday after the kids dressed in pajamas there was a volleyball game!And Friday is Superhero day. Friday was senior presentations before the volleyball game and senior presentations before the football game. The homecoming king and queen were be crowned at half time. Your support for the team and the high school is greatly appreciated. It certainly made an action packed week. Pajama Day and Superheroes on Friday were the most fun. The kids kept in costume later in the day. Then there was a LOUD assembly in the gym before school was out Friday, so they were in fine shape for cheering and fun!
Nikki Harrison was crowned homecoming queen by Sydney Snider, who reigned last year. Brett Burcell was crowned homecoming king at half time festivities. They looked so happy! The cheerleaders, Damian Valenzuela, Brianna, Beatrice Edwards and Megan Minimum were full of cheer as well.

Coming Events
Wednesday is a baked potato dinner to raise funds for the fifteen going to Washington D.C. for the inauguration. You must admire the way the students have dug in and held bake sales, car washes, spaghetti dinner, Bingo and candy sales to earn the money for their trip.
In less than a week some will celebrate Halloween Monday, October 31st. That makes Tuesday, November 1st All Saints Day. The following week, November 8th is Election Day. Some of you may have already sent in a mail ballot, but the rest of us go to the polls. have you noticed something very funny about the election this year. No one seems to have yard signs and bumper stickers and broadcast the candidates that they are supporting for this election. There is also more bad feeling toward other voters with differing views than I ever
Two weeks and a bit more and it will be Veterans Day Friday, November 11th. Just four weeks from Thursday will be “over the river and through the woods time for Thanksgiving.
It is time for all those artists and craftspeople to begin making things they want to sell for the holidays. In just five weeks from Saturday will be a chance to buy lots of wonderful craft items at the Grange with their annual Craft event. Then eight weeks from Sunday is Christmas day. And in nine weeks we will already be in the New Year 2017, Lord willing.


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