Town Meeting: Jefferson Proposal Discussions

Happy Camp is our town!

Happy Camp is our town!

Thanks to those who came out for the Community Solutions and Neighborhood Watch meeting Monday evening. It was great to have Deputy David Nye with us again and he brought Deputy Dennis Mellum with him!

Deputy Mellum has been Deputy Dare for most of our children and was involved with Happy Camp Neighborhood Watch when it was tremendously successful in the past. You will not want to miss the September 9th meeting when a chairperson is elected and Neighborhood Watch launches forth with renewed enthusiasm!!

Thanks to those who came out and supported the Town Meeting the previous week also. It was great to have our Sheriff, Jon Lopey, with us and despite the good size crowd, he committed to let everyone who had a topic to discuss would be heard. This was appreciated.

Even though the meeting began at 6 and didn’t wrap up until 9:30 there were many things discussed that needed to be brought up for solutions. Thanks to Doreen and Becky for posting information, as well as Nadine who e-mailed to get people informed. So grateful when Becky Tiraterra brought in platters of watermelon and grapes! Javabob brought the coffee machine ready to go, Dan Effman had BBQ hot dog slices and other Chamber members provided the cookies. Doreen made the lemonade and we were so grateful for the Grange providing the place to meet. Thank you Ruth!

If you are curious about the Jefferson proposals, be sure to check out the information at the Grange tonight (Tuesday evening) at 6 at the Grange.

Tomorrow school begins for the elementary school, Wednesday, August 21 while the high schoolers start next Monday, August 26th. Still it is that time of year!

Do you remember all of those first days of school?… What are your memories of heading back to school? In An Old Man’s Thought of School, Walt Whitman writes,

“An old man’s thought of school,
An old man gathering youthful memories and blooms that youth itself cannot.
Now only do I know you,
O fair auroral skies–O morning dew upon the grass!
And these I see, these sparkling eyes,
These stores of mystic meaning, these young lives,
Building, equipping like a fleet of ships, immortal ships,
Soon to sail out over the measureless seas,
On the soul’s voyage.”

Happy Camp

Happy Camp, as seen from the Town Trail

Seiad Day is Saturday, August 24th. Don’t miss the parade there!!

Bigfoot Jamboree is Saturday, August 30, 31 and September 1st which is the Disney parade! (See

Dear Mad’m Days is coming soon, October 11-13 (

Thank you for your active interest in our community!!

Chamber Minutes December 29, 2012

Happy Camp Chamber of Commerce December 29, 2012

Dolly called the meeting to order at 1:15 pm on December 29, 2012.
Those present were Dolly Elston, James Buchner, Ron & Rosemary Boren and Judy Bushy. There was a quorum with four board members.

Judy read the previous minutes from October. James made motion that we accept the minutes as read, Rosemary 2nd the motion and it passed unanimously.

There was no Treasurer Report but the phone bill had been questioned in the October minutes. The unusual amount was a figure added for late payment. Karen Tulledo gifted the chamber with a phone card to call back to answer calls on the answering machine. It was suggested we look into a Magic Jack. In order to save on the electric bill it was suggested that we make a list of things to turn off before leaving the office, particularly the heater or air conditioner.

Committee Report on Rocking the Klamath. June 29th is the date and we need to pay to reserve the River Park for that day. James will invite the Spiral Kings and opening band. It suggested that the Chamber members be able to offer food booths for the normal charge for a booth, only members.

Dear Mad’m Days was held in October. Next year will be October 11-13. There was discussion on Organization to do Pancake breakfast and agreement beforehand. James made a motion that the Dear Mad’m Committee make decision on the Adopt a Highway program/signs, Rosemary 2nd it and the vote was unanimous in favor of the motion. It was suggested we ask Norma Seaman and Linda Mutz if they would consider helping.

Community Tree Lighting was held in December
. The lights were not overly profuse and had not been improved last year. There was a suggestions we have a Christmas Tree at the office next year.
We have Cycle Friendly Stickers available for a $1 donation but they sent them before letting us know that a donation was required.

Membership for 2013 was discussed. Judy made a motion that we raise the Annual Membership Dues to $100, except for home businesses, nonprofits and retired individuals who would remain at $50, and prepare to send out renewals within the next few weeks. James seconded it and the vote was unanimous in favor of the motion.

We appreciate Linda’s help on the Web pages. James made a motion that we renew,, Dear Mad’m and abandon Rollin on the River, and redirect them to The codes and passwords for them will be kept in the Chamber office, Dolly 2nd the motions and the vote was unanimously in favor.

Facebook posts will continue to be made frequently with notices of things happening in the community and photos. Siskiyou Chamber Alliance is having a calendar of activities but must say what town the activity takes place.

New business: Javabob received a notice from Jefferson Backroads where 8 chamber members can contribute ads to a page for which the Chamber would pay $175 a month for three months Each individual ad would cost $25 so the Chamber would make a little on it. Since we didn’t think we had eight members willing to pay $75 we declined this opportunity at the present time.

James made a motion that we pay Sportsman’s Expo $112.50 for March event. Dolly 2nd and the vote unanimously approved it. We will need volunteers to sit at the booth in March on Saturday to help Judy and on Sunday to help Rosemary.

The Annual Report will include the Sportsman’s’ Expo, Art & Treasure Hunt, Rockin the Klamath, Dear Mad’m , Community Tree Lighting, Facebook and Web pages, volunteers, especially youth, and consignment in office, Troop packages, etc. it was decided that each board member would write about an event or accomplishment and e-mail it to Judy this week to be compiled to the Annual Report.

Rosemary made a motion that the next meeting will be Tuesday, February 5th at the office at 6 pm and the Tuesday, March 5th Annual Meeting will also be at the office at 6 with coffee and desserts. James 2nd the motion and the vote was unanimous in favor of the motion.

The meeting was adjourned at 2:30 p.m.

Afterwards, we had forgotten to discuss ad in the Yearbook for Happy Camp High School. Cheyenne Moore wrote us a letter requesting we support the Yearbook with an ad. This year they are trying to make things simple with a business card size ad for $40 per business.

Judy Bushy

HOME COUNTRY by Slim Randles

Home Country
Slim Randles

Delbert McLain dropped in at the Mule Barn truck stop yesterday for a quick cup. He was wearing his usual suit and tie, despite the heat. Usually Delbert does his coffee drinking and socializing out at the country club where the business guys go. We’ve been there, and the chairs don’t fit as well.

For the past 10 years now, Delbert has run the local Chamber of Commerce. We all have to admit he was a good choice. His job is to promote our town and the surrounding area, which he does by prowling through the town – his ample belly flying under a full spinnaker – looking for out-of-state plates on the cars during tourist season, and then convincing the visitors they should 1. live here forever, 2. hire locals to build them a huge house, and 3. to start a business that will hire as many of us as they can stand.

According to Delbert, several things are certain about our little valley here: it is the only place in the world that will grow, our water is so good we don’t need dentists except during our tourist season, the deer in the surrounding hills are easy to hunt and are the size of horses, the fish in Lewis Creek are so big children are afraid to swim there and our average life expectancy is right around 104.

“Boys,” Delbert said with his constant grin, “it’s looking like a good summer. I can’t tell all the details now, but it looks like we may be getting three factories and you know how many houses they’ll have to build out on the flats to hold all the employees.”

“Delbert,” said Doc, “you know they shouldn’t build out on the flats. That thing floods out about every six years.”

Delbert saddened there for just a minute as he stirred his coffee, then the sales gleam relit the surface of his face.

“That’s it!” he yelled. “We can call it ‘seasonal waterfront!’”


Brought to you by Slim’s new book “A Cowboy’s Guide to Growing Up Right.” Learn more at