Summer plans along the Klamath!

Bob Schmalzbach, president of the Happy Camp Chamber of Commerce presents Paul LaFleur with first prize won by The Flower Band at Rockin’ the Klamath.
Our busy summer along the wild Klamath River has begun. Thanks for all who helped at the River Park for Saturday’s Rockin’ the Klamath. So sad I didn’t get a photo of all the Bigfoot Jamboree volunteers making delicious hamburgers and serving customers, Dan & Cathy’s Kwik Dogs or Dolly serving Strawberry lemonade at her stand.
July 20th families will be returning to the River for the Karuk Reunion. It’s always wonderful to see friends and family from far and wide return for a visit.
Siskiyou County Fair will be held in Yreka August 7-11 after the Horse Show on the 4th. The theme for the 2013 Siskiyou Golden Fair is “Ol’ Nugget’s Birthday Bash!” That gives all the 4H kids who will be tremendously busy at that time, to recover by the time school resumes August 22nd.
Then August 30 starts the Bigfoot Jamboree, put on by the Happy Camp Coordinating Council. Friday there will be the coronation of the Bigfoot Queen and the dance for the teens. Vendors will be there and continues Saturday and Sunday. Saturday will have a great new Kids Day at the Park for the youngsters as well as plenty for others. Sunday is the Parade, based this year on a Disney theme. If you haven’t seen the monthly newsletter that Abigail Yaeger is putting out about the plans for this year’s Bigfoot Jamboree, you will want to check it out. Lots of fun things are planned!
They are planning a 5K Bigfoot Dash also so contact Jaclyn Goodwin about that! I wonder if they’d give a t shirt to Seniors whose dash has slowed to a walk??
The girls are selling raffle tickets in the contest for Bigfoot Queen so be sure to support their efforts. Our community is great about supporting the youth opportunities and it makes one proud of our Klamath Neighbors! The Bigfoot Jamboree ties up the summer and with kids back in school, it seems that fall can’t be far behind, but we have weeks of fun yet to go before that time.