HCHS Student Awards

by Judy Bushy, June 3rd, 2016

In presenting the Student of the Spring Semester award, Ed Sherman, mentioned the respect by which Gerald is looked upon by his peers among the students of Happy Camp High School. “the Student of the Spring Semester is recognized by other students for achievements, so why shouldn’t we as staff do the same. As teachers, we see the respect that our student body gives to someone who remains positive while meeting society’s often high expectations and hopes. We are proud to have a student centered environment where teachers feel safe allowing students to recognize their own. So, without going on forever, let me introduce the student of this Spring Semester; Gerald Harrison.

Gerald Harrison received several awards at this assembly for presentations. Gerald received the honor of being Mr. History by Erica Mitchell, his World History teacher. He also received an award for and to top it off was presented the award for Student of the Spring Semester.

Student for the First Semester, Jesse Vancurra received a plaque for his honor at the Student Awards presented Friday at Happy Camp High School.
Shaye McCartney received awards……(to be coontinued)

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