Karuk Salmon & Acorn Cook-Off Postponed
A Salmon and Acorn Cook-off had been planned for the 19th Annual Karuk Tribal Reunion. It was postponed, however, but will be held later.
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Online News for the Klamath River Valley
A Salmon and Acorn Cook-off had been planned for the 19th Annual Karuk Tribal Reunion. It was postponed, however, but will be held later.
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“It’s Your Business” is a wonderful opportunity for prospective, new and old business owners to learn more about any aspect of their business that they feel needs improvement! What a wonderful opportunity.
How can you design or fine tune your business to become really profitable and enjable too? Learn to research, organize, manage and expand a small business. Build a business plan so you can go after grants or loans. Learn how to work with your cash flow analysis to make your business more profitable. Learn marketing and network with other entrepreneurs “in the same boat.” Create budgets and financial projections! Target the right customer! By sharing tips and experiences from others, your business can not only survive but thrive and prosper.
Since this class is video-conferenced to Happy Camp Distance Learning Center, you don’t have a four hour drive (roundtrip) to take the class but can just come down to the high school campus right in Happy Camp, next to the Computer Center. For further information Call Bob Smith 493-2655 at Distance Learning.
Not only will you receive expert instruction from Joy Taylor-von Skepsgardh – but additional speakers will cover various areas of expertise. This class was co-sponsored with COS, (BA 86) and JEDI (Jefferson Economic Development Institute) which has put on helpful classes for dozens of years. The “It’s Your Business” class ended April 29th. Keep your eyes open for the next time that it is offered!